What's Your Name?

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You were renting a beach house for a week. By yourself, yes. You stayed at an orphanage for the majority of your life and you were glad to get out of the building for once in your life. You didn't have many friends either, and the ones you did have didn't go to your school.

So you finished packing your bags and started off. You boarded your train and sat down in the nearest seat available. Next to a really hot blonde with a permanent scowl on his face. You couldn't help but blush a little as you awkwardly sat down next to him. You recognized him from school, Nozomu Nanashima.

He didn't blink an eye at you as you did and you stared down at your hands. "Did I say you could sit down here?" He mumbled. You raised an eyebrow. "Is it a crime to?" You asked. "Don't answer a question with a question, go sit with someone else." He grumbled. You rolled your eyes. "Someone's in a bad mood." you said under your breath.

"I have a reason to be."

"Care to explain?"

"Why should I?"

"Venting might help."

"I have a crush on this girl, we're going to the beach with our friends and she already hates me for a picking a fight for someone for her heart."

"Then just apologize to Serinuma."

"I don't, apologize to people."

"Well you're not going-"

"How'd you know her name?"

"Practically the entire school knows, dumbass."

"I've never seen you before."

"Because you're so self centered and only care about girls with looks." You mumbled. "No I don't!" He yelled.

"If she looked any different you never would've even looked in her direction, I should know because I'm one of her closest friends." You said, both of you fell silent again. "What's your name?" He asked. "Oh now you're interested, because I'm the silent type with good looks?" You snapped.

"No, I'm just curious."

"I'm not telling you."

"Then might I ask where you're headed?"

"Creep, but I'm renting a beach house for the week."

"What beach?"

"Playing stalker?" you teased. His face flushed red.

"Stop calling me a stalker!"

"I'm just stating the truth. I'm going to the nearest beach, I don't know what it's called though."

"Me too, look who's the stalker now?" He asked. You rolled your eyes at him again and slumped in your seat. The train came to a stop and you both got up. "I'll be seeing you soon." You said as you got off. You went your separate ways as you walked the rest of the way to the house.

The house was small, but nice. You unlocked the door and stepped inside. Small kitchen, small living room, two small bedroom. Others would've complained, but you were used to small living spaces. To you, it was perfect.

It was nearly dark by the time you got there so you went straight to bed. And the next morning you threw on a simple (F/C) bikini. You wanted to wear a one piece but you didn't have the money to buy a new one.

You sighed as you threw on your clothes over your swimsuit and grabbed your bag. You locked the door on your way out and immediately, your feet came in contact with the warm sand. It was morning and not many people were out, luckily. You preferred to spend your time alone.

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now