It's A Dare

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You groaned as your friend gave you another weird dare. Lick the arm of the person to the right of you. You gagged as you did. At least they couldn't say you were a chicken. 

You were playing a game of truth or dare with your little group of friends. They had a habit o calling you a chicken since you were extremely shy and afraid to talk to anyone but your friends. 

Friends being friends, they teased you about your crush on Nanashima and you blushed red every single time. 

You knew that the subject of the blonde would eventually come up as a fare, and you were anticipating it all throughout the game.

"I dare you to go up to Nanashima and ask him to have a sleepover with you, (Y/N)!" your friend said with a smirk. 

The sun couldn't compete with your face. "I-I can't do that!" You protested. 

"A dare's a dare." She said. "You're the one who wanted to play truth or dare in the first place, you know, to prove that you aren't the chicken you say you aren't." She taunted. You groaned. There was no point in arguing with them, they wouldn't let you out of it. 

"Oh, and if he doesn't agree, you have to force him!" a friend said. You sighed, sometimes you wished you never told them about your crush. . 

The next day you mustered up all the courage you could to face Nanashima. As soon as class ended, you delicately tapped his shoulder. He turned around and fixed his piercing gaze on you. And you were immediately at a loss for words. 

"Um, w-would you l-like to.... to, um..." you couldn't get the proper words out as he gave you a weird look. 

"You wanna have a sleepover with me? Sure." He bluntly stated. Your eyes widened. "H-How d-did you know?" You managed to stutter out. 

"Your loud friend told me you wanted to, just bring your things to my house at five, see you there." he said, handing you a slip of paper. How could he be so composed? And you were surprised that he even agreed, so quickly you might add. 

You clutched your books to your chest, a red blush evident on your face. 

School was over and you rushed home. You slammed the door to your room and slid down the door. You buried your face in your hands, your breath quickening. I can't do this, I can't do this! I'll just embarrass myself! you thought. 

A few minutes of panicking later, you finally pulled yourself together and retrieved a small backpack from your closet and stuffed the essentials in it. A toothbrush, hairbrush, phone, charger, and extra pair of clothes and your pajamas. 

By the time you finished, it was already 4:30. You stared at the slip of paper down which held the address of your crush. You were debating whether you should call it off, you wouldn't have to embarrass yourself and live your life watching him from the shadows. 

You decided to suck it up and face it. You had to face him eventually. Ever since you met him, any attempt he made to talk to you, you would run or duck away or find some excuse to avoid him. 

You called one of your friends to ask for advice but all she did was tease you. "Listen, you'll be fine, just don't embarrass yourself, whatever you do." and with that she hung up. What great, encouraging words. 

By 4:50, you bid your mother goodbye and left the house. Your breathing sped up again and you felt like you were going to die, which you would if you humiliated yourself. 

You finally came across the address and you took in a deep breath, and held as you rang the doorbell. 

 A little blonde girl cracked the door open slightly. "Who are you?" she asked adorably. You tried your best not to stutter in front of the girl. There was nothing to be scared of, right?

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now