Always in between: Who's side to choose. Chapter 7

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The next morning, Finn wakes up early. She dresses quickly, because she suspects that Robin comes back to Locksley today. If he is not there, she can always look for people she can help. There are always people who need help. For example, the Scarlett’s. There is still hunger in Locksley which was caused by Guy of Gisborne.

"Adam! Can you come?" Calls Finn and grabs some paper and pen that puts them on the desk.

Within a few seconds, Adam is with her and immediately asks what's going on. He sees the paper and pen on the table, he could guess. He needs to write some letters for Finn.

"I'm going to Locksley,” explains Finn. ‘If Robin is not back yet, I 'm going there to help people."

Adam nods. He immediately begins writing the letters. Finn did not use then today she already has them without Adam needs to write some.

While Finn is eating  and Adam writes letters. She had a quiet at breakfast and talks to her father about the things he's been going take over. Sir Flynn wished he could  take over everything, but his daughter doesn’t allow that. He should just start slowly. He isn’t that long back in Rochdale.

At the time Finn walks into her room, Adam finished writing. “Thank you, Adam,” said Finn and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"You're welcome,” Adam said, looking away. Finn chuckles and picks up the stuff she now need to go. Locksley "I will make your horse already ready,” said Adam. Finn nodded and Adam runs out of her room.

In Locksley everything went quiet on smoothly. The people who were outside would love to be inside but that couldn’t because of what they were doing. For a moment they looked anxiously around them when they heard a horse, but sighed with relief when they noticed that it was lady Finn. She is always friendly to people in Locksley and helps where needed.

Finn smiles friendly to all people. She really hopes that Robin and Much come here now. She has missed her best friend very bad and can’t wait to see him again.

She stops at Locksley Manor and put her horse behind the house. Thorton walks straight out of the house and sees Finn.

'Lady Finn, good to see you again,” he said happily. ”It's good to see you to Thornton,” Finn said. smiling. ”I just hope now my father is back that Robin also comes here soon."

"Master Robin?" Asked Thorton happy. ”It would be nice if he came back.” Within a few seconds, he corrected himself. ”Not that it is really bad to work for Sir Guy."

" Thorton, you know you know me as long as Robin so you know as well as I do that the latter is a lie and you would much rather work for Robin,” says Finn.

Thorton scratching behind his head and must admit that Finn is right.

Two seconds later we suddenly look around. We hear a lot of horses coming and people screaming. ”That must be Sir Guy,” said Thorton.”I'll check. You stay here so that everything is perfect when he comes,” said Finn and walks quickly to where the commotion is.

Outside Finn notes that Guy and his men were threatening the people to tell the truth. As usual, no one dares to say, but she is suddenly surprised when Robin walks out of the crowd. Immediately she runs towards the event but doesn’t show herself to Guy and stays close so when Guy doesn’t believe Robin that he is the original Lord of Locksley she can step .

Fortunately Guy says not much of  it so Finn walks over to him.

" Robin,” says Finn happy and hugs him. ”It's so good to see you again.”

"It's definitely good to be back home and see you,” Robin said and hugged her while he still looks at Guy.

Guy let him go where he wanted to go. He could not do anything because Robin is the Lord of Locksley.

Finn goes along with Robin to his house. Finn knows how happy Thorton will be that Robin is back home and let the two talk together while she just talk too Much.

The talk is stopped when Guy comes in and talk to Robin.  Thorton and I kept aside of the conversation but I still heard what they were saying.

I went straight to Robin when Guy left. ”Robin, please be careful with the sheriff. Sir Edward is not the sheriff, and it is really a cruel sheriff. I do not know whether he will do what you say Robin,” Finn says to him.

"Then I'm going to talk with Sir Edward,” said Robin, and walked straight too Much.

' Robin! I do not know..,” Finn says, but the rest can not hear Robin because he was out of the room and not much later they leaves.

Always in between: Who's side to choose. [Robin Hood BBC fanfic]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu