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You are a woman/a girl/a woman/you are more than than the area below your neck/you are more than the place between your legs/do not be more quiet/do not me more gentle/you are strong/you are powerful/look into their eyes and scream until their ears bleed/a woman/a woman/a woman

It is okay/it has never been/the world is cruel/people are ruthless/but it is okay/love them/be kind/forgive them/ask for help/please/let them in/let them help you/let yourself be human/let them help you be human

You've made mistakes/horrible mistakes/it's okay darling/tearing off your skin won't help you/crying in bed won't help you/this void won't help you/it's okay/move on/

They say a past can never be buried/those are lies/make a new future/that will mould your past/forget those whispers for tonight/they're not worth it

Breathe/start again/breathe

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