once apon a dream

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I looked up at the sky, counting the white clouds. The wind slowly picked up, making my hair dance with life. I then look around to see my mother and father, huddle close together, almost hugging. My mother gently pulled down her black veil, over her face, shading from the heat. The cries of the mourners echoing in my ears as I put on my black shades. Uncle Cleopas was a good guy, he was my favorite uncle. Me and him did lots of stuff together,almost like father and son. He'd take me to his work and show me his guns. He worked as a C.I.A agent with his wife, aunt Rebecca. They have two kids, Jace and Luna. Jace is 17, just like me and Luna is 18. They were with their mother, holding her. Luna and aunt Rebecca were crying hard, while Jace just looked down at his father, gently rubbing his mother back. I could tell he was holding it in, his lip was quivering. Slowly the service begin, talking about how Uncle Cleopas was a great guy and an outstanding C.I.A agent. I sighed, shoving my hands into my pockets. They talked about his life and kids, and how he's up in heaven, watching us. That last statement brought more crying from Aunt Rebecca. After the service, we all watched uncle Cleopas slowly going into the depts of his hole. Suddenly Aunt Rebecca launched herself at the grave, before Luna and Jace quickly grabbed her. "Let me go! Let me be with him! Cleo, don't leave me. Please!!!" she screamed. Her face was red and flushed, her eyes looked bloody. Her pleas were cut by her sobbing, choking on her tears. Luna and Jace had a strong grip on her, keeping her from leaving. The service was over and people began to leave, some talked, others went to Aunt Rebecca, pulling her together, or at least trying. We all watched as the soft, brown dirt slowly filled the hole, and someone put flowers on top of it. Aunt Rebecca, break free from her kids, ran to the dirt, and start digging it up, almost like she's looking for treasure. Luna and Jace and others quickly went to her. I walk away, not looking back. This was hard on everyone, she thinks that it only effected her. "Ezekeial" my mother said, behind me. I turned around to see a sad smile, plastered on her face. I went up to her and hugged her, wrapping my arms around her as tears slowly came down, wetting her shoulder. "shhhhhh, there, it will be okay baby" she said, her silk, honey voice filled my ears with relief. I sniffed a little, lifting my head up, looking down at her. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted dad under an oak tree, watching us. I wrapped my arm around mom and start to head to the car. He stared at us, when we enter the car, then turn his back against us, looking out over the lake. I put my seatbelt on, just as mom turned on the engine and slowly began driving home. I took my shades off, leaning my head against the cold window, then I shut my eyes, pulling myself into the darkness.

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