Part 6

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I was standing in my office. I was hosting another team meeting. I had to tell them about the most recent developments regarding Sherlock.

"Well team, I've decided that we'll be helping Sherlock stop the bombing." I said.

"What changed your mind? Why help him?" Asked Jack.

"Um, he didn't kill actually anyone. He faked Watson's death." I admitted.

"Cool! He's really good at doing things like that." Said Jack.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.


"Sherlock will be staying with us here at S.H.I.E.L.D until this threat is cleared. He'll be using the room next to Mike and Jack's office." I continued. "He will not be allowed to leave his room, I fear that he might run off. This mission is dangerous, so if anyone wants to back down, I won't blame them. Anyone?"

"I'm in, " said JD, "bombs are my department.

"I'm definitely doing this! No way am I going to leave Sherlock on his own." Said Jack.

"If Jack's in, I'm in." Said Mike. "What do you mean you don't want to leave him alone?" He asked Jack.

Her cheeks turned red. "I want to help him, I really do. And he's cute." She practically whispered the last sentence.

I looked at Rachel. "You know I'll always follow you, Ricky." She smiled warmly.

I smirked, happy that my team is willing to follow me into danger. "Great, a full team. Jan, have those packs ready by tomorrow. Everyone, get a good sleep, I have plans for all of you tomorrow."

Everyone left,greeting me as they did.


That night, I sat in my office illuminated only by the desk lamp where I was busy filing S.H.I.E.L.D bills. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just a few for jet fuel, one for repairs of all of the Jeeps and some other expenses. I looked over at the digital alarm clock on the top of my desk. It read eleven forty-eight pm, 2nd of November.

I've been busy filing until midnight? It didn't feel that long. There were only a few other people in the building as I looked out through the glass doors separating my office from the rest of the establishment.

I completed my filing just as Rachel walked in with two mugs in her hands that had steam drifting out of them.

"Hey, Rach." I greeted her.

"Hi Rick. You busy?" She asked as she pulled up a chair beside mine.

"Just finished some filing. What are you still doing here? I thought you went home." I turned my chair to face her.

"I did, just forgot something here."

"And decided to have a coffee?"

She handed me one cup, "I've been thinking..."

I saw that the mug contained hot chocolate. "About what?"

"Uh, the mission." I felt as if she were lying to me.

"It's a difficult one. That Sherlock bloke is not like anyone I've ever met."

"He's weird, I fear that he might be a sociopath, regarding the way he told us how he killed his friend." She said as she removed her beige coat to reveal her maroon tank top.

"It's a case unlike any other." I told her. "That Moriarty guy seems dangerous. I've been doing some digging, I ran him through facial recognition and the only thing that I was able to find out was that before he turned into some criminal mastermind, he was a math professor. He managed to keep well under the radar."

Sherlock Holmes Vs. S.H.I.E.L.D (Temporarily On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now