Finding Myself Again

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I tell Kyle I'm going to bed as I lay here all I can think of is one thing at least I know his safe tonight – yeah shit happens in jail but the life he lives I'd be less surprised if it happens there.

"Belle are you still awake?" I hear a little later


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I reply "Come here."

I hear Kyle walk in – I pull the blankets down and pat the bed. He gets in next to me.

"Can you just hold me?" I ask him

"Whenever you want." He replies

Kyle pulls me into his arms and before I know it I'm fast asleep. The next morning when I wake up I see Kyle holding me and apart from my nausea and splitting headache I feel amazing being with Kyle. This might sound horrible but now Jason is in jail it gives me even more permission to be with Kyle and it felt amazing.

I lay here for ages before Kyle wakes up and when he does he smiles at me.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning." I say

"How are you feeling?" he asks

"Yeah okay. Ummm what happened last night? How did you end up in my bed? Did we fuck?" I say trying to look as shocked and confused as possible.

"You asked me to sleep in here I didn't take advantage of you." He says

"I know I'm joking." I laugh leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.

"You had me worried for a second there." He smirks pulling me hard into his arms.

I cuddle into Kyle – he is sweet but makes me feel safe but then his covered in tattoos and is as bad boy as I need. I couldn't even care about anything else while being with Kyle – it felt like I finally have something that I've been craving for so long. Kyle kisses me and I kiss him back and it feels amazing, he pulls me on top of him and he continues to kiss me. We keep going until we have sex and the connection between us in undeniable. As we lay there afterwards Kyle rolls over and faces me.

"I've wanted to do that again since last time." He smiles

"Me too." I reply "I guess I was in denial for so long."

"You never have to live in denial again." He tells me kissing me on the cheek.

Knowing Jason is in jail changes everything so much it's time for me to be myself again, it's time for me to be with the guy I love and it's time to not worry about anything else but life and him.

The months flick past and work is going amazing, being with Kyle is amazing and living in our own little world is the best feeling in the world. I'm sitting on my bed in my room after work when Kyle comes in.

"I just got word that Jason got 5 years." He tells me

"Okay." I reply

That's 5 years I don't have to worry about anyone else but Kyle and being with him – and that in itself feels awesome. Kyle sits down next to me on the bed and pulls me into him.

"Do you like this life?" he asks

"I wouldn't want it any other way." I smile "These last few months have been perfect."

"Hey I have a surprise for you tonight." He smiles


"You'll have to wait and see."

A Bad Boy Love Story (ABBW Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now