If He Breaks Your Heart Can He Fix It Too?

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Kyle comes in after he finishes work and I'm already home from work.

"Hey." He smiles

"Hey." I reply

"Do you want to come on a date with me tonight?" he asks

"Okay." I smile

I go and get dressed and ready for the night and when I go out into the lounge room Kyle is looking hot – his wearing baggy black jeans and a white singlet with a black shirt unbuttoned over the top, his wearing a silver chain and a silver bracelet and if I wasn't still a little mad at him I would jump him then and there. We head out to an Italian restaurant and then go to a movie on the way home Kyle pulls his car up at the beach and we get out and go for a walk along it.

"I love you Belle." He says "Please just give me another chance, I'm sorry but I don't know how much more I can do to prove that."
"I love you too Kyle, I just don't want to be hurt again."

"I won't hurt you – I promise please just give me another chance."

"Okay." I reply

He turns to me and kisses me long and hard.

Kyle and I get back to the apartment and sneak into my bedroom – we are all over each other in seconds and it feels perfect. For the first time in weeks tonight we fall asleep together and it feels perfect. Waking up next to Kyle feels like a dream and it makes me feel so happy.

"Morning beautiful." He smiles kissing me on the cheek.

"Morning you." I reply

"Do you want coffee?" he asks

"Yes please." I smile

Kyle gets out of bed and heads out the bedroom door – even though this feels perfect I know in my heart of hearts that something was bound to go wrong and I don't know how or when but it always does.

Over the next few days Kyle and I go back to the way we've always been – things are perfect. I still think back about the cheating but I took him back after that so I guess I can't punish him for it anymore than I already have. Every time Kyle gets home he kisses me and it feels amazing – he treats me like a princess and I love it and Jason seems happy that we worked things out. I have to say during the breakup he was so supportive and constantly trying to tell me to work things out with Kyle. Kyle and I haven't spoken about him going back to Jason's gang since the night we got back together. Laying in bed with Kyle it weighed on my mind - did he go to finalize things or something or did he go back to get involved in that life again.

"What ya thinking about babe?" Kyle smiles

"Do you want to go back to the whole killing people, drug dealing bullshit? Is that why you went home? I don't know if I can live that life again."

"Beautiful, I want you for one and I wouldn't take you back to that but two I will never be able to escape from that life fully I may always have to go back time to time. I'm sorry but that's my life – I can't change that. While Jason was away it was easy to stay away from it but I can't now Belle."

"Okay." I sigh "So if I want to be with you I have to except it?"

"I'm sorry but yes." He frowns "I can distance myself as much as possible but I wont be able to always stay away."

"Well I guess I have to except it." I reply "But I don't want to move back there."

"Babe we don't have to move back there that isn't even a thought I promise."

"How is Sophia?"

"She misses you so much but she's okay she lives at your old place still with Daniel, Rocco and Beau." He replies "I think she's over be surrounded by guys though."

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