A Turning Point

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Every day after work I catch up with Nate and every day he asks me when he can meet Kyle and I still can't give him an answer. Kyle wants to know too but I don't know. The thought of my two separate worlds colliding scared the shit out of me – I had kept the two apart for so long and I really don't have a choice anymore. They are going to collide soon but I just have to figure out when – because deep down I don't feel ready for this. I have kept Nate a secret for so long introducing him to the people who have become my family scares the shit out of me.

I walk out of the bedroom this Friday night and am ready to go out for dinner with Nate.

"Have fun." Jason smiles

"I will."

"Belle, when are we going to meet him?" Kyle asks

"When I'm ready." I reply "You two are from different parts of my life and I'm scared."

"Well when you're ready I want to meet him."

"Okay." I reply

I head down to my car and go to meet Nate and a restaurant we eat dinner and talk.

"So do you want to meet my boyfriend tonight?" I ask him

"Of course Belle, I've been waiting for ages."

"Okay." I smile for the rest of the dinner my stomach is in knots – I don't know how this will go but I guess it's time.

Nate and I walk towards the apartment and I feel so nervous I feel sick, for so long Nate was my secret and now that is all going to change. I open the front door and walk inside – Kyle and Jason are sitting on the couch with there backs to me they don't even turn around.

"How was you're night?" Kyle asks continuing to play video games.

"Yeah good, I want you to meet someone."

Kyle pauses the game and stands up and so does Jason as Jason turns around looks at Nate.

"Nautz, you're Belle's brother?" he walks over and shakes his hand "I didn't think you where getting out for a while."

"Nah man I was released a while ago now."

"You guys know each other?" I ask

"Yeah we where cell mates." Jason laughs

"What the fuck?" I laugh "How can that happen?"

"So you aren't the boyfriend Jason so you must be." He says looking towards Kyle.

"Yeah man," Kyle says shaking his hand

After Nate and Kyle meet Jason basically takes Nate over and wont give anybody else a chance to talk – all they do is talk about jail life – how fucking boring.

"So where are you staying?" Jason asks

"That dodgy as fuck hotel on Main Street." Nate laughs

"Dude crash on our couch don't fucking stay there." Jason replies

"Are you sure?" Nate says looking at me.

"Yeah sure." I reply

It makes me feel nervous having him in my house but I can't say no to him or Jason.

That night Jason and Nate go and pick up his stuff and he gets set up on our lounge – great now I'm officially surrounded by men... Oh well spending more time with Nate was a positive and everyone is getting along in the house too so I guess that's a positive. It's nice getting up every morning and having Nate there. As the weeks go by I'm enjoying it but the house is squishy but still I can deal with it I have my brother back. I get home from work after a long Friday wishing the day would hurry up and end and on the floor is two duffle bags that belong to Kyle and Jason. Kyle comes out of the bedroom and looks at me with sad eyes.

"We've gotta go back home." He says "It won't be for too long."

"Kyle are you kidding me?" I tell him "Not again."

"I don't have a choice beautiful but Nate will be here this time so you wont be alone."

"Whatever." I reply "But I want to come with you."

"You don't really want to do that."

"I do." I reply "If you are going I'm coming too."

Nate drives the three of us to the airport and although I really don't want to go it feels right – at least I'll see Sophia. We get on the plane and my stomach is knots – I'm terrified but excited. When we arrive at our destination we head straight to my old place and Jason knocks at the door and Rocco answers.

"You're back." He smiles

"Yep." I smile

"BELLE!!!!!!!!" I hear Sophia shout "What are you doing here?"

"Hey Soph!" I smile giving her a hug "I just wanted to see you."

"Lets go get a coffee." She smiles "We have so much to catch up on."

"Okay." I reply

As we go to leave Jason thrusts a gun into my hands "Keep this with you at all times."

"Okay." I reply, I hadn't carried a gun in so long and it made me sick doing it but I did.

Sophia and I go and get a coffee at one of the coffee shops I used to spend half my life at. We talk about so much and I tell her about Nate and Kyle and the cheating and everything else that has happened.

"I've missed you so much." She smiles

"I've missed you too." I reply "So are you staying out of all the bullshit?"

"Daniel keeps me out of it as much as possible." She smiles "It gets boring as hell but I've learnt from your mistakes."
"I'm glad." I reply "I don't want you to have to go through what I did."

"It gets hard too and honestly I want to leave so bad but I don't want to loose Daniel." She frowns

"Honey you have got to do what you feel is right but if you ever need somewhere to go you can always come back to mine."

"I know." She smiles "And I'd be there in a heartbeat if I could."

After a while we head back to the house and on the way Nate texts me.

'Hope you arrived safe little sis'

'I did. Hopefully we wont be gone to long.'

'Your friend Kelly came over and I said you'd gone home to visit an old friend she said if you need any time off just let her know and she'll organize it.'


'She's pretty hot.'

'Crack on to her Nate and I'll slap you.'

'Yeah Yeah.....'

When we get back to the house it feels so weird being back there – Kyle and I are in Jason's old room and it feels so fucking weird being in there with Kyle. After we are done settling in Kyle, Jason and the others head off to the warehouse while Sophia and I sit around and watch reality TV and laugh at the most stupidest shit like the old days, before we both pass out on the couch. A few hours later I wake up to Kyle carrying me in to bed and when he see's my eyes flicker open he leans down and kisses me.

"I love you." He whispers

"I love you too." I smile

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