Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: St Moama's

My train of thought was rudely cut off by my alarm. I peeled the covers off me and extended my arm to shut the loud noise off.

As of late, I rise with the sun, eat, face whatever the new day holds and finally sleep again. It's like a cycle. My mother has scolded me for living this way. Claiming that I am failing to "see the opportunities life holds". I don't really see much of a problem. That's what matters, right?

Walking past the mirror I catch my reflection. I giggled a little at my smudged makeup from yesterday and my messy morning hair. My body is of average build, slightly large breasts and wide hips. People claim I have pretty eyes, not to sound self centred but I agree. I like my eyes.

I find my school dress neatly folded over my desk chair, assuming my mother crept in my room after washing it to place it there while I was asleep. I unfolded the green and white fabric and put it on, making sure the hem reached the appropriate length for school.

Glancing into my reflection I started to feel a wave of panic. The marks. The ugly out of place marks that littered both my arms.

"Shit!", I said aloud. Making sure I wasn't loud enough to wake my mother and her idiot of a fiancé.

I scanned my room to find my college jumper* (Sweater for those who speak American English) but I couldn't see it in plain sight. I shoved my wardrobe doors open to find it hanging on a coat hanger.

I sighed with relief.

I pulled it on, wearing it so that its sleeves cover my hands.

Feeling safer I descend down the staircase. Almost tripping at least twice and then went to the kitchen.

"Umm... Cornflakes for today I think,"

I then heard loud solid footsteps coming towards me as I finished adding milk to my cereal.

"Morning Freya," my mother's fiancé, Chris greeted me. Yawning loudly afterwards.

"Morning," I silently said and then quick as a flash left before I could begin to be irritated by his presence.

I conclude my morning routine by slipping my old and scuffed school shoes onto my feet, and then exiting the house to catch the bus.

My school, Moama's Saint. A pretty average school student wise. Excluding the group of people I have as friends, the majority will look upon you as if you are inferior and bellow them. But that's usually the norm at private, catholic colleges. Unfortunately.

My bus came into sight. I smiled when I noticed Beau was driving. The vehicle came to a stop and he doors parted.

"Hello there Freya," he beamed, "how are you this morning?"

"Great thanks, yourself Beau?" I replied with a big grin, reflecting his happiness.

"I've been brilliant miss," he cheerfully said.

I flashed him one last smile and took a seat at the back. Beau always makes mornings on the bus more enjoyable.

The bus was quickly moving again, my earphones were plugged in. Me tapping my foot to the beat. After ten minuets the bus reached my stop. I thanked Beau and entered the school.

I dragged my feet past the office building, heading for my locker, opening it's metal door. I checked my time table. Homeroom , then English and after, my recess break. I grabbed what I needed and closed the door shut again. I checked my watch. 7:50. Shana should be waiting in the usual spot right about now. I left and then as expected, finding her where my friends meet up in the morning before classes start.

"Hey Shan," I called out

"Don't call me that!" She yelled back. She hates that name. I sat opposite her and laughed.

"Did I tell you about the weekend?" She excitedly asked.

"No," I said curiously.

"Well you're going to love this!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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