YUKIEA:but we're not bad guys kizers my cousin so he s not my bro but I live with I'm
AMI:that doesn't wander my question
KIZER:well some times you can see or ours some times notYUKIAE:and sometimes we can control it sometimes not its not very stable
HIRITO:are you our enemy in any way
KIZER:no but come with us we think we have someone to explain
KIZER:alright we're here
YUKIEAS grandma :who are these kidsGRANDMA:oh got it
AcciónThis is the story of AMI yushio she tries to scramble from her big bro orheme and her parents death and deal with her strange power and she meets strange kids just like her and she's forced into a team of kids that she doesn't now and what Else she...