Chapter 9: Treacherous Fun

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9. Treacherous Fun

Loud music oozed out of the speakers and into the room. Colourful lights lighted up the otherwise dark room. A strong stench of what Jade assumed to be alcohol burned in the air that she was breathing, and every inch of the floor was occupied with people. Most of them she recognized from school, but there were some faces unknown to her.

Somebody roughly shoved her out of their way, and Jade fought her urge to rip that person's head off their necks. This was the sixth time that she'd been pushed harshly, and it seemed like everyone was testing her patience.

Where was Heather? How was Jade supposed to find her amidst these cannibalistic people? The house was overflowing with them. She was sure it was going to burst open.

And she had to endure all this because of that one person that will be dead as soon as her eyes would spot him.

Daniel Miller.

She had told him, countless times, to take care of Heather and to not let her get out of his sight, no matter what. But of course he would get drunk and scare the wits out of her friend.

She would've been perfectly worry-less if Lucas had been able to attend this jungle party. She would have been sure without doubt that Heather would be okay and that she'd enjoy himself. But he couldn't because he had to take his grandmother to the hospital since she was suffering from fever since morning. But it just had to be Daniel Miller that she had to trust, and she couldn't be any more regretful.

She would've shouted out for Heather if she had been able to hear her own voice against the pounding music. She needed to find her, and she needed to find her fast. She would die if she would spend another five minute under the deafening music and with these wild people.

Who would've thought that the same people that she went to school with everyday could turn out to be people that had ran out from jungles?

About forty minutes ago, Jade had received a call from Heather while she'd been walking back home from work. Heather was sobbing, and Jade was immediately so worried. She'd told him that both Daniel and Justin were drunk and that she couldn't ask anyone else for help. They were acting so weirdly and so wildly, and she was all alone. She told her that she would've called for Lucas if he would've been able to come, but since she couldn't, she had to call Jade.

Jade hated parties.

She had never been to one before this, and now she actually realised why she hated them so much. Her hatred was fuelled largely, and she swore to not come to any other party ever again in her entire life.

So here Jade was, searching for Heather to rescue her from the hands of these animals, and to get out of here as soon as she could. Thirty minutes of futile searching, and Jade was ready to rip her hair off her head.

She stepped in through one of the many doors in the living room and sighed deeply in relief to find that it was not full of many people. It was much quieter than outside, and there was much more alcohol-free air for her to breathe freely.

She looked around and gasped loudly when she spotted three familiar faces grinning goofily at her. She fumed at the sight, her rage breaking all limits.

Heather, Justin and Daniel.

"Hi, Jade!" Heather chirped, and Jade narrowed her eyes at her.

"Are you drunk like them?" she demanded of her.

She saw Daniel rolling his eyes, and she almost killed him right at the spot. How dare he?

"Nobody is drunk. It was just a plan to get you here." His tone indicated just how amused he was.

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