Talk to Me.

35 3 13

Guys. This is a serious matter for my friends and followers alike.
I don't think any of you like talking about your problems, (if you do, that's cool) but I know that sometimes you're really hurting inside and you just wanna find somewhere that you're safe. That's me on a daily basis. But that's why I have people that really care about me. My three friends ElswordBae, MakoHaruTagatha, and xLifeanddeathXx are always available for me if I have any problems.
As an author I want to be there for my followers and/or readers for their entertainment and comfort. I want what I'm saying to make people feel better about themselves and to have them trust me.
That's why I'm saying that you all can talk to me. Do you guys think it might be cool if I'd make an advice book?
I'd take real questions from all of you,
(all anonymous unless said otherwise). and answer them with as much accuracy as I can. If this chapter can get around 10 votes, I'll make the advice book. Until then, you all can pm me and I'll help you to the best of my ability.


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