Chapter 1

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Evelyn Scott ran around her room grabbing clothes and other items she had forgotten to pack. She threw everything into the suitcase that was lying on her bed. After everything was in, she jumped on the bed and tried to close the overflowing suitcase. Finally, the zippers met and she flopped backwards on the bed while letting out a deep sigh of relief.

"Evelyn!" her mother, Diane, called. Evelyn quickly got up and went downstairs. It was never a good idea to keep her mom waiting.

She found her mother in the kitchen fixing dinner. "Yeah, Mom?"

"Paul's going to be joining us for dinner. I'm not asking if that's okay with you; I'm telling you that you had better be on your best behavior. I don't want what happened last time to happen again."

"Mom, all that happened was that I got mad and my hair turned red," she said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Her mother made a face.

"Yes, well, not everyone is used to someone's hair turning from brown to bright red every time she gets mad. Be on your best behavior or else you're not going tomorrow."

"You already paid the money. It's not like you're just going to let that money go to waste by not sending me."

"You think so? Well why don't you find out? Oh and, on top of not letting you go to camp tomorrow, you'll be grounded for the rest of summer."

"Alright, alright! I won't do anything to mess up your dinner." Evelyn silently added, "I can't wait to leave this stupid house tomorrow."

"Good. Are you all packed?"

"Yeah; just finished. Mom...?" Evelyn trailed off not really sure she wanted to ask the question on her mind.

"What, Evelyn? Don't waste my time here. Hurry up and spit it out."

"I was just wondering...why does my hair turn red when I'm angry?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you're special?"

"Did Dad's do the same?"

Her mother put down the spoon she was holding. "What have I told you about mentioning your father in this house?" She didn't want for an answer. "Don't you ever speak of him again, you understand?"

Evelyn nodded and started to walk out of the kitchen. Suddenly, she heard her mother speak again. "Yes, his hair turned colors just like yours.

Evelyn turned around in shock that her mother had actually answered the question. She was about to say something, but her mom had already gone back to cooking. Evelyn went back upstairs wondering what her hair magically turning red could mean. Maybe she really was special? Evelyn shook her head. She thought to herself, "Time to get your head out of those story books you spend all your time reading."


Later that day, Evelyn found herself helping her mother with a dinner that she was dreading to attend. She hated Paul and there was nothing in Paul's face that said he liked her. But, if she wanted to go to the camp she had been waiting all year to attend, she was going to have to deal with it for just one more night.

Seven o'clock came and the doorbell rang. Paul had always been very punctual. Her mother let him in with a kiss while Evelyn scowled in disgust. She went to sit at the dinner table hoping that she could eat fast and excuse herself before having to say more than one word to Paul.

But sure enough, as soon as Paul walking into the dining room, he walked over to where she was sitting and ruffled her hair. "Hey, Evie. How've you been?"

"Don't call me that," Evelyn said through gritted teeth. She could already feel the fire boiling inside of her. Diane shot her a look and Evelyn tried to calm herself down. "I've been great, Paul. What about you?"

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