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(Ryder's POV) Mainly going to be Zeros.

Something about the new girl sparked my interest. It wasn't her laied back face, or the half, lazy smile tugging away at the corners of her lips. Nor was it her relaxed body position despite being in a room filled entirely with faces that she's not yet seen. Not even was it her name, despite being strange and unheard of in common society.

Instead it was the way she looked, that is what drew my attention towards her. Her hair was long, flowing down her sides and reaching the waist of her short body. She had no fringe, but a few thin strands fall into her eyes. It was white in colour, dipdyed red, almost pink, which blends into yellow then into the whiteness of her hair half way up. The colours worked perfectly, matching the pale complexion of her face, flicked with freckles. Her eyes were amazing, sea green I could tell from the distance between us.

She was by no means hot, but she also wasn't ugly. Like more than milk, but not quite a milkshake if you get what I mean.

I wasn't interested ofcourse I already had a girlfri-

"Ryder stop gawking! Did you hear what I just said" my thoughts were abruptly shut off as my English teacher, Mrs Brindly, snaps. Her temper was short, and even shorter when it came down to me. Oh English, how it bores me.

"Clearly I did not hear what you had to say, otherwise I would have responded." I replied back, cheekily. Flashing one of my signature grins that my teacher has grown to hate. She only sighs in response.

At the moment it felt like only me and Brindly was in the room together. All 14 students were busily concentrated with their work, heads down reading Jekyll and Hyde. For a second i forgot about the girl with the coloured hair.

Then the four other boys on my table snigger in unison. Thats it lads. Honestly I have no idea how we are in the top class.

"I said, clear your desk. The only available space is next to you." Brindly says between gritted teeth. Her ears were tipped pink glaring daggers to our table. Her patience wearing thin already, unlucky for her, we were only fifteen minutes into the lesson and a further forty five to go.

I did as I was told clearing away my books which were spread against the entire space next to me. Hesitantly Zero walks over, her freckles clearly noticeable above her slightly red cheeks. She sat down beside me and I was strongly interested to see what sort of person was she. With a girl at the table, the guys started chatting her up but she just stared blankly at her book as she worked. Nodding or shaking her head occasionally was the only communication they got out of her for the duration of that lesson.

She disappeared at lunch, after being in top sets for all four lessons she had before hand. Me and my crew found her dawdling around inside the small, boring library the school is home to. She was flicking through a book, I couldn't quite grasp it's name  because of the awkward angle she was holding it and the distance between us, but rather quickly was she flicking thorough it.

She returns the book seconds before the bell. Maths, woo.

(Zeros pov)
It was rather nerve racking to say the least, bing inside a new school with humans that I do not know. It wasn't like my previous one, where I knew everyone.
It was a small school, holding only 459 students of various shapes and sizes. Two people of which, sent here before I, who I was in dire need of finding. I shall not go into too much detail on who they are and who I need them so just yet. 


My first lesson was English, my eyes flicker around the room as Mrs Brindly proceeds to get agitated at a boy called Ryder. With bright blue eyes and slightly wavy brown hair that sit upon his head in a messy but stylish style it was clear to tell he was one of these popular boys I've read so much about. His hair and eyes seem to work well with his clear smooth face, as opposed to me with stupid freckles and mouldy coloured eyes.

His friends were loud the second i sat down, next to Ryder who didn't interest me too much.it was clear to see they were happy to have a new face to talk to. That face being mine. I preferred to be secluded to myself, quiet.d o as much as they tried to include me in their conversation, I inputted nothing more than the occasional head movement.

The lessons up to lunch flew by with ease. I found myself standing in the library flicking through a copy of Eragon, thanks to the not quite human side of me my intelligence and reading speed was incredibly high. From the corner of my eye, I notice Ryder standing there, watching. I couldn't care to twist my neck round to see if anyone was behind or beside me, so I shrug it off and continue to read. The book was finished in the 60 minutes we had for lunch.

Maths was last. My hand raising up to the occasional equation that was written neatly on the board. I jot the working down then again raise my hand.

Being a dragon had its perks, but that's a secret that i cannot tell.

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