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If there's one thing I've learned over the past two weeks of being at okewood High it's that the majority of the popular students at the school aren't like how they are in the many stories that I've read in the past 16 years of my life. They've been rather friendly towards me and not one of them have said any harsh remarks of any kind. Nor are they the stereotypical sluts or boys that like to mess around with girls every day of the week. But ofcourse there are some

My friendship between Mr Ryder has grown a significant amount over the past few days, although I tend to prefer to be alone following break and lunch. (I've became quite popular with the librarian). He and his small group of friends have often tried to include me in their group on several occasions, which I politely declined and carried on skimming through a variety of books.

It was on my 16th day of school when I decided to talk to the two people I was looking for. One a year older than me, the other my Art teacher. So the following lunch break I took myself to the art room.

"Sir, may I speak to you?" I ask, knocking on the door then letting myself through the opening, a girl was sat munching happily on a bag of crisps, her pink and orange hair flowing down her back.

She turns to face me, her large brown orbs lock with mine, I break away the stare looking slightly to the left of her. If I remember correctly this girl is a healer, her name however I've never been told.

"Oi Tardis ! Come quick!" The girl yells. Following her shout scuffling was heard in the large cupboard behind me and a figure tumbles out. None other than Sir. His red hair reaches down to his shoulders and slightly wavy. He was young I was aware of that, a fire user. His eyes were a dirty brown, coming into contact with my greenish ones as he looks at me in confusion, which later tuns to shock.

Tardis regains his body position standing entirely upright and straight. He bows slightly then cracks his back.

"The only long body in existence... I believe I got told that you were appearing. And none other than my student. I apologise for not talking to you sooner. I was waiting for you to get settled" Tardis was tall, as he speaks his voice comes out as clear with a feel of friendliness behind it. The girl says nothing, continuing to eat.

"That would be I. I apologise as well for not coming to you sooner." I nod, the following hour of break was full of constant talking, familiarising each other what has happened over the years in which the two departed the valley and chose to come here.

Loudly and slow, the ringing of the bell snaps us out of our talk. We bid farewell to Anna, the healer girl, as she excuses herself from the room, proceeding to go to English. I on the other hand had art, so I took my seat. Soon enough other students started to flood in. Making their way over to designated seats.

I was the opposite side of Ryder, his face pointing in my direction each time he raises his head. Another thing I've noticed was that none of the lessons were quiet, this one was no exception. As always the girl sitting to the side of Ryder flirts with him, flicking her long wavy blonde hair over her shoulder then looking lovingly at him. I try not to stare and look down to my book in front of me.

Art was easy, all we had to do was draw or paint etc a theme from a list, then we work to complete that theme throughout a book, during school or as homework. Once the book was completed, you'll be issued a new one and choose a new theme. Already two pages were filled with two dragons, one being based off Haku from spirited away, the other what I imagine Ryder to be if he was one.

"So Ryder, I was thinking... maybe we could do something this weekend?" Blonde haired girl asks him, my eyes trail over the pencil lines in front of me. I twirl the pencil round my thumb, picturing various dragon eyes in my mind.

Ryder coughs slightly, his breath hitting my face, warm.

"Actually I was planning on asking someone else to hang out. Sorry Jess" Ryder says, I look up to find him scratching the side of his face, his cheeks faintly flushed red.

"But you haven't asked them yet? So its not like you have to cancel anything?" Jess says, her face inching closer to Ryder's slightly tanned skin, breathing on his ear. Something stirs within me and before I notice I stab the sharp point into my page snapping it off. I look down quickly so they don't notice me stating at them.

"Zero, wanna come over tomorrow? I was gonna ask you at lunch but couldn't find you!?" Ryder asks, looking towards me with a hope glint sparking in those ocean blue orbs I keep getting lost in. What the hell is wrong with me, thinking like that.

"Um okay, yeah alright. Mhmm. Oh my page." I whisper the last part realising I put a small hole through the thick paper.

"Zero is so weird. Everyone thinks so, even that little group of yours." Jess sighs. Glaring daggers at me with brown dirty eyes, I force down a growl.

"She's not lying, why do you think they are slowly moving away from you in lessons when she sits beside you?" The other girl pipes up, her orange hair flows messily down the side of her face. Much like a orange lions mane. This girl wasn't lying either, the first lesson of art two of the boys, the not ones in this lesson, were sat in the remaining two seats, now they were together at an entirely new table.

"I don't care. Zero is my friend too you know, if no one else likes her then thats fine. I don't mind, because shes decent you know. She's cool." Ryder snaps back.

"I'm right here you know" I pipe up. TO me it sounded like they were talking about me not thinking I was there. Which I clearly was, Jess sends me a look to tell me to quiet down. Then she takes my book scribbling down a few words ignoring my protest. Basically telling me to back off.

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