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It was Saturday and half 1, in all honesty exploring the neighbourhood around me was something I neglected to do. Currently I was walking down a long narrow path, without the slightest bit of knowledge as to where i was, or where the park is which I'm supposed to be meeting Ryder at. I sigh, once I've been to a place it was impossible for me to forget where it is, despite only going once. However in this case I've never been to that location.

I've got no choice but to either be hours late, or use a paper crane. Thankfully, to the human eye, this spell was easy enough to appear invisible to anyone other than those with the ability to communicate with dragons or any other dragons themselves.

I follow the paper as it flutters above me, directing me to Ryder's scent.

(Ryder's Pov)
+A/N I'm not going to swap povs often. Its mainly going to be Zeros+

Half an hour passes, it was a full hour before I saw it by then it was already half two. Only seconds before I was about to call Zero to ask if she was okay.

A tiny thing flutters over my head, only a quick second did my eyes gaze apon it untill it disappeared into nothingness. You may think that my eyes were seeing things, but that wasn't the case. I felt something from it, a feeling that I can't quite put into words. But I knew where it came from, the girl was running towards me now. Her green eyes glowing in the warm sun which was sky high. Her white hair blowing slightly. There was something about this girl, a special bond I feel towards her, but not in a love kind of way, I do have a girlfriend. She was hiding something, something unnatural. I want nothing more to know what that is.

(Zeros Pov)

I couldn't tear my eyes away from Ryder's bright eyes, nor would his break away from mine. It felt as though he was seeing into my soul, trying to see within. I quickly break away from his gaze, staring slightly to the side of him.

My heart was beating heavily, panicked. I was worried that he saw my bird, but that would just be absurd, that would mean he has that ability but that's made under a contract with another dragon.But he said nothing. Nothing at all regarding the paper bird topic. As we talk in depth about various things as I'm directed back to the house that belongs to Ryder.

The garden was the first thing that I noticed, heavily flowing with a great depth of flowers. The sweet scent flows up my nostrils as I inhale.

"My mom is a florist in the middle of town, she loves flowers I guess. " Ryder mumbles as he walks up the red, bricked path and to a matching colour door. He stands there for a few minutes searching his pockets then inserting the key into the lock and twisting sharply and quickly.

I follow him in, then to his room in complete silence. I study the photo on the wall, of him and a girl with mint green hair and large dark eyes. Both of which looked extremely happy.

"Tell me about your girlfriend?" I say, she looked extremely familiar to me, but I was unable to place my finger on what. I glanced at Ryder and he sits on the corner of bed. Not looking at me.

"There's not many things I can tell you. But I love her, I really do. Shes in the year above us, she's so sweet though and we've been together a long time. I haven't seen her in person for so long but she's coming back soon" He replies with, then turning to look at me our eyes lock and I automatically look away. I nod. "When she comes back I want you to meet her."

Soon later we was in a very heated game of battleships I won every game and Ryder was becoming irritated. But we continued to laugh along chatting constantly. Untill my stomach started to growl which was embarrassing to say the least.

"Let's go get something to eat. What do you like?" He states, moving to get up and I quickly follow. "Damn Zero is gone five, you should be going home soon before your parents begin to worry." Ryder says, staring at the wall in the kitchen. We decided on cheese toasties.

"They aren't with me at the moment, I came here by myself they are still back with my family." I shrug, watching Ryder great cheese, he says nothing but looks sympathetic at me. For a verify second I debated whether or not to tell him about me, but I chose against it.

The time would come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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