The Duet

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Noah's POV 

So tonight is the team sleepover. I'm really excited to get to know everyone. Well I already know Michelle, Amanda, Skylar, Piper, James and Richelle but it will be fun to get to know even better. I walk to studio A and see Richelle on her phone. 

- Ritchie! I say. She was so startled she dropped her phone.

- Oh my gosh Noah. You scared me. She says picking up her phone and making sure there's no crack. I would be dead if there we any!

- Sorry, but hey are you excited for tonight?I ask trying to change the subject so I don't get killed.

- Yeah! But I'm kinda nervous. She said looking down in shame.

- No need to be ashamed Ritchie, I say walking up to her and giving her a hug. I know you get nervous around people you don't know. It's okay. I'll help you trough tonight, I say trying to comfort her.

-Thanks No, she whispered in my ear, for everything.

We stay hugging for a bit, then we decide to start stretching. Nobody's here yet. I know I arrived early, but not that early. How are we the only ones here?

- Ritchie, do you know why we're the only ones here? I ask hoping she has the answer.

- Um... Maybe we had to be later since we're staying the night? She says confused.

- Yeah, that makes sense. I think, I say still confused, do you wanna start our duet? I continue.

- Didn't Riley say she has to choose the song? She asks. 

-Oh shoot I forgot!

-But we could create one while we're waiting. She says sweetly.

Having an extra dance is always nice. I mean if something was to happen we have something to throw on stage.

- Sure, what song to you want to do it on?

- What about Falling apart by Andrew Austin, she suggest, but if you have any other ideas it's ok.

-That's a great idea, she knows how much I love that song, how should we start?

I love to work with Richelle, she is my best friend after all and we work really well together. We worked all morning on that dance and though it look pretty descent. So we decided to take a quick break. We caught up, by caught up, I mean what happened after she left my house yesterday night, but whatever. After our break, we got back to work. As we where dancing the full routine, we heard voices. But we continued dancing. As soon as we finished, we turned around to see all of A-Troupe staring at us. After a couple seconds, they started to clap. I turned to Richelle who was behind me, walked up her and gave her a hug. I know she's probably freaking out.

-Guys, that was great, Michelle says trying to break the awkward, you we're both amazing!

-Thanks, I respond smiling still hugging Richelle. 

-Did you guys choreographed it? asked James.

-Yeah, Richelle responds, we've been working on it all morning.

-Wait, Skylar says really loudly and makes everyone jump, you've only been working in this for less then a day?

-Yeah? Richelle and I say at the same time.

- How did you get all of this done, Skylar continues.

-Um, I start, we work well together I guess?

- Guys, I hear Piper pipe up, I think we should start stretching if we don't want to get in trouble.

- Great idea Pipes, I respond while everyone starts stretching.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating, I didn't have any inspiration. I will try my best to continue updating weekly! Sorry if there was any mistakes. And as always if you guys have any ideas you can comment or PM me! 

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