Chapter Three

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Arimnukna's Pov: Objective Training

I woke up early and snuck into my room with a plate of grapes and bread  where Nara was sleeping I woke her and then I went to my closet and picked a dress while she dined! I then gave her some privacy to get dressed then I went in five minutes later after knocking and combed her hair and did her makeup!

"If your going to be then I have to train you and Help you learn what it takes to be a princess of Egypt!"I said as I fixed Nara's hair and put a small crown on her head with a diamond tip.

"A tiara like this is no wonder somebody is after you because of this stone!"she said

"I pardon you?"I asked

"Mainly when somebody is trying to murder another is because of the fancy they see other times is because people are jealous!"Nara said

"Jealous of my throne? Or my treasure?"I asked

"Most likely the crown this person likes along with greed that way if you are eliminated and the next for your chair which is your brother eliminated he can somehow get the throne if he is immediate family!"Nara said

"My coronation to be Queen is in two weeks! We have to make you a princess first then Queen!"I said placing a diamond necklace on her neck!

She stayed silent for a minute!

"May I see my brother please princess Arimnukna?"she asked

"You will see him in the throne room my brother will stand to your left and your brother to your right and I will sit at your feet!"I said

She finished her bread and followed me out I walked to the throne room with the bread and fruit and she sat down after I showed her how to sit on the throne!

The throne room was painted gold and had a paintings on the wall!

Just then her brother and mine walked in she got up and ran like a wind to him hugging him tight!

"A princess doesn't run like that! If she must trot she simply skirts and runs lightly with her hems held! In short you must trot on tips of the toes!"I explained

"I'm sorry Princess it's just we're never apart!"she said sitting down.

Her brother got on her immediate right hand and my brother on her left I sat at her feet and handed her some more bread along with my brother and her brother then removed my veil and took some bread myself!

Nara's pov: First decision

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I put the veil back on and stood up and informed her who the guard was and that he had a wife and teen daughter!

"My Lady, there is a lady here wishing to present you with a gift!"A man with a brown beard and brown eyes and his hair was short!

"For what in exchange Bruce?"I asked

"Nothing in exchange except that her parents sold her to you to pay for the new baby! They are poor and don't have the gold to keep her or raise the new one!"Bruce said

"Excuse us a second Bruce don't go no place!" I said getting up and going through a door followed by my brother and Arimnukna and Durakna!

We enter into the bedroom chamber!

"This is the guest bedroom!" Durakna explained

"Thank you Durakna!"I said bowing!

"So? What did we walk in here for?"my brother asked

"Arimnukna can we take that girl and her parents and the child and invite them to live in the castle and just hire the father as a guard and have the girl be a lady in waiting? The mother may be a financial worker!"I asked

"Hmm good question, what do you suppose brother?"Arimnukna asked

"Just think about it the people selling their daughter have barely anything! And the money we give them will be gone soon so why not hire the whole family and let them live in the castle a castle this size surely you have enough room!"Jeff said

"Jefferson!"I said shocked

"It seems the young Ladies brother has a point we have many rooms, I suggest we follow their advice sister!"Durakna said

We all nodded then walked out!

"My Grace, you've been in there an hour discussing whatever!"Bruce said bowing as I sat down.

"Send the young Lady in and stand aside because I want a word with you too!"I said

"Yes your Grace!"he said and went walking off!

He came back a few minutes later and so did the girl and three others in tow!

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