Day 5 shelter
Time to go, raid day.Will?(No response)
Maybe he's in the fields. (Will runs in) Jack you gotta see this I'm not even sure what to do. What's wrong? I don't thinks it's a problem it's a dog. What type? German Shepherd. Friendly? Yes nice can't be more than 7-8 months. Give it a snack it might stick around. (And Jack was right it did stick around) what should we name him Will? I don't know, leave the new guy the honors. Where is he anyway? Chris went to get wood, guy apparently knows how to mine metal and turn that into tools so now we get free tools because we're sitting on top of a mine full of metals. And he can chop down trees so we hit the jackpot with him joining. Oh and a girl came by today said she would show us a pure stream for food and I'm still figuring what's up with her just popping up. People get shot for that now days, but she's different she's survived on her own without a camp that's almost impossible now days, Something's up with her. Anyway we may want to hold up with the camp I found a warehouse and it's a couple miles away we could set up there save resources and turn the farm to a defended outpost. Only problem is we need more people for the warehouse to be effective and 20 people to be able to guard an outpost. I'll spend the next few days go search around unless you want too cause 1 of us has to guard the shelter and once Chris gets back you can head out too. Ok , so I'll go out and you can stay back, and 1 more thing Will, don't and I repeat don't make contact with anybody but that girl warn them then shoot I don't care unless they have no weapons or surrender them and then still stay at a distance. Will do.
AdventureJack is in the aftermath of nuclear fallout. He has to find a way to survive.