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Shelter-morning. Nice job everyone, powers back online and the walls are about finished. Wait where is Will? He's not back yet, and what's that sound? A vehicle?! Everyone guns now. Wait for the signal. Rick who is it? It's... it's Will. Who? Will, it's him. Everyone back down. Let's get the truck in the gate. (Once The group hides the truck Will shows his supplies) I got plenty of seeding and tools and the truck has what has to be 50 gallons of gas in the back and a tank back at the place probably has fuel. Good I heard there were survivors down in the valley we could get them to join. We'll see, for now let's wait. Ok see y'all in the morning.
Bunker- morning
This would be a good place to leave resources it's plenty big and nobody can see it until you walk on it. (Rick finished the walls earlier) Rick trap this place up until further notice, but make a way in.Will do.
Shelter- morning
What's your story Rick? Well Delanee I worked a lot of odd jobs chopped down trees, mined, and contracted. A lot that helped me survive. I'm wondering why everyone just disappeared not many people around it's not good people should be here. I know we'll meet people one day and want em to be gone though so be glad.
Todays been real short I know. There's not a whole lot to do we have almost 2 years worth of food, plenty of water, and no people near us being hostile. Be glad we're the lucky ones.
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This chapter was more a placement chapter while I can work on a new series to be released in January. Again thanks for reading.

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