Lake-town...And a fight.

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Balin started the compliments at the Human,so he can take us in his boat...Well,I can't say the compliments worked.So I said:

"Listen up,lassie.We pay,you give us a boat ride.Got it?"(Thanx Dwalin for the word lassie. <3)

He looked at me surpirsed.I guess he saw a woman like me for the first time.And he didn't even see what happened with Thranuil.Heh...

He finally accepted,after I had to double the first price...He then realized where we came from.I don't even know how...He said the master of Lake-town would most likely arrest us,because he doesn't want to make Thranduil angry.

Thorin looked at me and smirked."No need to worry 'bout that..." he said to the Human.

We got onto the was cold.We were all tired.But mostly me.I was so dizzy,everything around me was spinning.Kili must've noticed that because he asked me if I was okay.Aaaww...he cares for me...

"No...I'm not so good.See,when I use some of my powers,most of my energy is consumed,you can say.I become dizzy and stuff like that."I whispered.

"Maybe some sleep would help you.Here."he said.He pulled me close to him,so that my head could rest on his shoulder.He then put his arm around my shoulders,and rested his head on mine.

It was comfortable...But we both were blushing and feeling akward,because all the Dwarves were staring right at us.Great.Thorin looked at Kili angrily.

"Uh...Just ignore them.",he whispered to my ear,which sent shivers down my spine.He's really cute.

There.I said it.Kili is cute.And handsome and hot and everything.

I love him.


After a short while I was asleep.When I woke up,I found myself on a small bed,in a small house.We were in Lake-Town.

"Hmm...'morinng guys.What did I miss?" I said,after a short yawn.

"Well...While you were sleeping,we went to steal weapons...we got caught...And the master of Lake-town didn't arrest us.Instead he welcomed us,and let usstay here.He'll give us a boat to leave for the Mountain,Then we're alone.We're leaving at Dawn."Kili said.(A/N When she sleeps,she can stay asleep for even a month.So yeah...).We were alone in he room.Everyone else was in the king's "castle" having a little party,for Thorin's return.

Then,I decided to sleep.But this time...not alone.

I pulled Kili in for a hug.I could feel his heart skipping.

"Kili...I don't care...I don't care I'm Thorin's cousin.We're not blood-related so...I DON'T CARE."I said,blushing once again.

"Um...Eliz,what do you mean?"he said,looking at me.He was blushing as well.He's so adorable when he blushes!

"Kili...I love you.More than anything.I agreed coming with Thorin,not only because of this quest,but because of you.I just...I..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

Kili kissed me.I felt so good.Our lips moved in sync,passionately.I knew he loved me...I wrapped my arms around his neck,and he around my waist.

The Fili walked in...He widened his eyes and gasped.But he smiled.

"I knew it...Something was going on between you two...He hehe."he saidand we smiled to him.

We were not the only ones in the room!Bofur was there,as well as Bard's kids...They were all smiling,and Bard's daughters were all like "aaaww...".You know...Girls!

Only that something cut our happiness.As soon as Bofur stepped out of the house to find the others,Orcs attacked us.How on Earth did they find us?Bofur was too far to help,unfortunately.

I couldn't use any of my powers yet,so I had to fight on the old-fashioned way.

"Kids!Under the table!" I told them and they did as I said.

We fought,but there were too many!We killed many and I had an injured arm.

Then,Legolas and that other she-Elf ran in to help...Like,seriously,what on the name of Durin is going on?!?!Orcs and Elves...

They killed all the Orcs that were in the house and the She-Elf hunted down the ones that escaped.

But Legolas stayed here.Great!

"I think we two have unfinished buiseness,Vampire."he said shyly.Oh no.Not in front of Kili!I don't like you!

"I...I love you.".Oh Durin.Save me.

Kili widened his eyes.He was angry as f*ck.He yelled:

"Listen up Elf.This girl right mine.So F*CK OFF."Ha ha.He's learning from the best.Me.

Legolas looked as if his pride was hurt.He punched Kili in the stomach.Oh no he didn't!

I stepped forward,ready to speak,but Kili pushed me back."I'll handle this,love" he said.

They started fighting.In front of Fili and the kids...Great!I took them to another room,so they couldn't see.

But when I returned,Kili was laying on the floor,and Legolas had a bleeding nose.

"KILI!" he was pierced by an arrow and had scratches from Legolas' daggers.

"YOU!WHY DID YOU DO THIS!?" I screamed to him,crying.Legolas was shocked.

"But...I thought..."he said.


He left...His pride should be f*cking dead right now...

"Kili...please wake up!Don't do this to me...Please!" I told him.He had lost a lot of blood.That's when Fili and Bard's kids walked in.Fili ran over to us.

"Brother! can't lose you!We can't lose you!" he yelled....He must really love him.

Kili only opened his eyes.He looked at me.


"No,don't talk.You lose more energy even for that"I said while tears were running down my cheeks...

He did as I asked,and only nodded.

"Can anything?" Fili asked me,crying.

We were all crying,even Bard's children.Then,all the other Dwarves came in...They looked at me,Kili and Fili.

"Would you explain,Fili?" I asked and sobbed.

He told them everything,the kiss,about the orcs,about the Elves...

"Eliz!Do something...I cannot lose my nephew..."Thorin said.

"I can do something...But he won't be the same.If I turn him into a Vampire,he'll be fine.This is the only way.I'm sorry..." I said


So yeah,that's it...Guys what'd ya say?

It's up to you if Eliz will turn him!

Tell me what ya want her to do in the comments!

Untill I have made my decision,which will be based on your comments,I won't upload.


Bye fluffeh-kittehs! :3 :3

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