Mirkwood and a Human~

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As soon as I said "Elves" we were surrounded by many of them.They tied the Dwarves up,but they didn't tie me.I looked at Thorin and mouthed "don't worry" to him.I had only my hands,tied behind my back "for safety",according to a she-Elf.She was tall,with the same hair-colour as me.

I saw a blond Elf staring at me."What are you looking at,hhmm?" I said in Elvish and he turned away.I caught him blushing though...Waaait...O.O (that's the face she made when she realized what this means.xD)

They took the Dwarves to cells,and me to their king.Oh,why me?I didn't really like Thranduil.He is so selfish and only thinks of his kingdom!Thorin needed him back when Smaug attacked.Oh,don't let me bring a closed situation back.Even though it's not.Thorin will never forget this.

"Oh,my dear Elizabeth!Ancient Vampire...Powerfull Vampire...And most important...My friend.What were you doing with these filhty Dwarves,my dear?"he asked."I'm afraid this is none of your buisseness,Thranduil.And they're NOT filthy!" I was angry."WOAH.Calm down Eliz!",I thought."You're their only hope to escape!"...If I am their only hope then...Okay.

Thranduil was talking to the blond Elf from before.He looked at me for a moment,whispering something to him.He nodded back to Thranduil.Okay this is akward as hell...They continued for some minutes.

"Elizabeth,let me introduce you to my dearest son,Legolas.Say hello,Legolas!" Thranduil told me."Hello,miss Elizabeth.''he said and bowed.I could read his mind,and he didn't understand.He...was in love with me!Oh.My.God."Act normally,act normally..."I thought to myself.

"pleasure to meet you,Legolas.Please call me Elizabeth,or Eliz for short"I said and gave him a sweet smile.He bushed once again.Ugh.Elves.

"Um...If you don't mind,Legolas,I would like to speak to your father privately.And would you pleeease untie my hands?"I asked."Anything for you."he said.Oh my God,I can't stand this...

As soon as my hands were free,I used my powers to trap Thranduil.The white part of my eye turned black and the other part from honey-ish to red.I created something like a shield around us both,so nobody could see what was going on.I was reeeally pissed.You don't want to piss me off.Seriously.

I flied and a black aura appeard around me,as I surrounded Thranduil's throne with fire.

"Thranduil!You know you made me angry,and that was a huuuge mistake.I know your son likes me,I know why you keep the Dwarves here.And as long as am with them,you won't harm them.You won't touch a single hair from their beards!!You want only their treasure.You would never free them,unless I was here!I am Thorin's adopted cousin,and you will free him and his company,If you want your kingdom to remain as it is!You are the most selfish creature I've ever met.You only care for your kingdom.You'll free the Dwarves.UNDERSTOOD?" I said really angry.He seemed scared..shitless.Oh I loved this expression!

"B-But...I thought we were friends..."he said,still scared.

"WELL,WE'RE NOT.And if you ever tell anyone what happened,you selfish little B*TCH...you deal with me.You know you cannot beat me."

He listened to me.He set the Dwarves free,and acted like nothing happeed.

~timeskip to when they meet Bard~

We sat in a circle,and I told them what had happened with Thranduil.All the Dwarves were laughing!

"HAHAHAHAHAH!Oh,Durin!You say  he was so scared!?"Thorin said,almost crying from laughter.Oh my God,Thorin was laughing!

"Yep.I'm good at scaring Elves shitless!" I replied.

Kili cut me."A-and you did this to save us...?" he asked still a bit shy.

"Yes,Kili.You guys are my new family." I said and hugged him.This hug felt good,because he hugged back."He...He responsed!" I thought and blushed a little.I spotted Fili giving his brother a "thumbs up".He he.So childish!

We parted and Kili was all blushing!!Aaaawww!

Then,Dwalin said "Oh-kay lassie,enough sugar talk!We must keep moving."

We all agreed,and stood up.My Elf-hearing,caught footsteps close to us.I took a rock and threw it.

Then I saw who it was.A human.He sure was from Lake-town,I could see this.

"Do it again...and you're dead."

He said,pointing his arrow at me.


Here you go fluffeh-kittehs.I decided to post this one for you all.I know Nanny is gone and I'm sad and all,but she wouldn't want me to stay at my past.I have to keep looking forward.For her.

So I am back.The humorous,creepy,and crazy me!

For her and for you.

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