Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

Spell awkward? 

"Hey Justin, my mom just texted me. She wants me to go home right now. I need to go." I said.

He turned around with raised brows and went in front of me. He was so close that I could feel his breath. He lifted my chin up with his index finger. He was staring at my lips.

"You're biting your lip and can't even look at me. You're lying Abby." He suddenly stepped back and said, "That's what you want to do right? You want to avoid me, right? Then go. But before you take another step, I want to tell you how much I appreciate someone like you. You shouldn't be bullied. You're the kind of person everyone needs to hang out with. You're an interesting person, Abby. You should know that."

He turned around and started walking. 

"Ugh, so how could I avoid you now after I heard all of that?" I said while walking with him. He smiled at me, "I know right? I would be shocked if you did avoid me after that." Damn, this person. How could he be so happy after being so sad so easily? An aspiring actor, ladies and gentlemen.

"Should we start over again?" He asked. "Sure. Hi, my name is Abby Woods. You are?" I asked. "Justin Evans. It's a pleasure to meet such a lovely lady like you." 

I laughed and he did too. We finally reached the cafe and sat down near the window. "My treat." I said. "Okay." He laughed. "You won't even argue with me? I just said I would pay, wouldn't a guy be the one who's going to treat the lady?" I asked. 

"It doesn't go like that with me. You offered so why waste the chance? Besides, we're not even dating. Oh, and Iced Americano for me." I raised a brow. 

I stood up and went to the counter to order our beverages. After getting those, I went back to our table and gave him his drink. "Thanks."

We started doing the project after talking about some random things. Luckily, we finished it before it struck 8 in the evening. We talked about random things after that. It's like we're getting to know each other, and it felt different because I was actually Abby and not Massie at the moment.

"So, are you and Ashley... uhm.." I started and bit my lip. I was shy to say it out loud. What if he thinks I'm interested in him? Well, I'm not! "Me and Ashley.. what?" he sounded so confused. 

""  I continued. He stared at me for a moment before letting out a small chuckle followed by laughter. I raised my eyebrows at him, looking at him confused. Was there something wrong with what I said? Is there something on my face that made me look funny?

"Uhm, why are you laughing? Is there something funny?" I asked, confused of the situation. He slowly stopped laughing and faced me, it was like he was about to laugh again but when he looked at my confused face, he cleared his throat and composed himself again. 

"Ashley and I... we're cousins." He laughed again. I was sitting there, dumbfounded. I didn't know she had a cousin! And they're so... different. Their personalities are so different! Justin is so kind and approachable while Ashley... yeah she's Ashley. 

"What? Really? Are you kidding with me right now?" I asked again. "No, I'm serious Abby." I was so confused. 

"We're not that close because remember? I moved to New Jersey back then and we never really had a chance to uhm.. reconnect?" He tried to explain. I nodded. So that's why.

My phone vibrated and I quickly looked at it. 

From: Aunt Rosie

Emergency meeting! Be there in an hour. Dress professionally. 

Ah shit. This fun night is about to end. I can't help but let out a sigh. 

"Why? What's wrong?" he asked worriedly. "I need to go home already. My uhm... mom texted me. I should head home.

"Come on, i'll take you home. It's already late." Nope, he can't do that. I'll get caught. 

"N-no, i'll just take the taxi cab. No worries." I stuttered. Why do I always stutter when i'm nervous? Ugh. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yeah, i'm fine. Well then, thank you for this night. I'll see you when I see you?" 

"Yeah, but wait, I'll call the taxi cab for you. Come on," he stood up. He got a taxi cab for me and even took a picture of the plate number. "Just in case," he shrugged. I stopped myself from smiling. That was a cute gesture. 

I entered the cab and rolled the windows down. "Bye!" I waved at him.

"Bye Abby, don't avoid me ever again! Text me when you get home! See you tomorrow." That was all I heard before the vehicle started moving. He said I should text him... I don't even know his number. I shook my head, smiling. 

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