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I've always wanted a happy know where your dad gets home and your mom has dinner cooked, and before very meal your family says grace, then afterwards your dad helps helps clean and do the dishes. Well this story is not like that my life was very different.

I grew up in a big house where my dad got home at 8 every night, never ate with us, never said thank you, was rude, didn't like anyone, and then there's my mom. The best mom in the whole world, cooked dinner, took us to games, helped us with homework, got us ready for bed, and took care of us. To me and my brothers this was a normal life style.

Now our probably wondering who i am. My name is Katie Kyle. I grew up in Mart, Texas, in a big house with 3 brothers Jacob, Braeden, and Ryan. I played golf all throughout high school along with showing goats and pigs for FFA.

One night while i was in middle school my mom told me hat her and my dad were getting divorced. I was upset, but i knew i had to stay strong for my mom and i did. My dad had done some things he should have not done. Ever since then my life has not been the same. My relationship with my dad was rocky then, but afterwards it was never the same.

My dad stopped coming to my athletic events and it felt like he was shutting me out of his life. A few months later both of my parents had started dating other people. I was happy for them at first, but then i realized they were both the same. I had to realize my life would never be the same again.

After this i started questioning my faith and if god was real why was he wanting to hurt me. I soon realized that it was a test. God was testing me to see my strength. So i started believing in him more and more, but nothing could prepare me for what was fixing to happen.

One night during my freshman year of high school we got a call one morning. My brother Braeden had been shot and killed. It was the saddest day of my life. He was my best friend and i loved him and just like that in a blink of an eye he was gone. I didn't get to say goodbye or anything and i regret it everyday.

It was during this time i had my best friends Kaitlyn, Grace, Cristal, and Jacob, and Erin. They changed my life in a way you wouldn't expect. They were there for me through my darkest times, when i didn't want to get up, when i had so many awful ideas. They were there for me.

Even though i am a great matchmaker this doesn't apply to me. I had never really been in love before i mean there were guys who would come and go but none would really stay. That was until I found the one.

I am an avid fan of all sports. My favorite football teams are the Packers, Baylor, and Ole Miss. In my free time i like to go play golf and ride horses. I also write songs and stories in my free time. Along with watching Netflix and cats.

My favorite movie is Grease I watch it every day when i get home from school. I have memorized every song lyric and every word in order. I also am an avid fan of broad way musicals. I have seen Wicked and Phantom of the Opera but my favorite is Hamilton. I have the whole album on my phone and have most of the lyrics memorized. I hope to see it when i visit New York after i graduate high school because that is my graduation present.

The summer before my senior year my mom told me she had a surprise. She said that we where moving 2 hours away to Plano for my senior year. I had to leave all my friends and everyone. I was sad but also excited to get a fresh start. So when school started I was nervous and within the first day I had a few friends but none of them were like my old ones.  As I start to think more about the future I realize I'm going to be a wildcat alumni after this year.

I was nervous of course with the move since I didn't know anyone but soon got over that. I am now almost half way over with the year and couldn't be more excited. I am still trying to make more friends but it's hard living somewhere only for your senior year without knowing anyone. But the best part is I'm in theatre and I love it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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