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omg i'm so obsessed with 'going seventeen', i've listened to the entire album five times already and i can't stop. someone help me TT


December 19, 2016, 12 p.m.

  "No, you can't eat that!" is the first thing I hear when I enter the nursery, hands full of bags containing sandwiches that are meant to be served as lunch for the kids. 

  "Oh my lord," I mutter at the sight of the chaotic room. 

  Children herd in different corners of the room, some crowd around the toy chest, while others are already tucked into their cots, preparing for nap time that's two hours away. In the center of the room, Yoongi is cradling a weeping girl, while trying his best to wrench a building block out of a little boy's mouth. Around him, some kids have gathered, all trying to console the crying child.

  "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" Yoongi yells, and I hastily place the bags onto the teacher's desk, before hurrying towards my mint-haired bodyguard and retrieving the sobbing toddler from his arms. 

  "What's wrong?" I ask the girl, bouncing her up and down in my arms while patting her heaving back to soothe her shaking body.

  "It hurts, Miss Park," she cries, a hand flying to her stomach. 

  I frown. "Stomachache?" 

  The girl nods, her lips already drooping to the extent that I'm afraid she won't be able to smile again.

  My eyebrows furrow together, and I snap my head towards Yoongi, who has successfully removed the saliva-drenched toy from the boy's grasp. "Min Yoongi!" I glower at him, and he slowly turns to meet my gaze, eyes widened - in fear? 

  "Five minutes," I sigh exasperatedly, gesturing towards the noisy children, who are currently running around the room like headless chickens. "I was gone for five minutes."

  "In case you haven't realized, taking care of kindergarten children isn't a part of my job scope," he points out, a little annoyed by the din the tots are creating. "I'm not getting paid enough for this!" he complains, and I roll my eyes. 

  "Give out the sandwiches," I order him, before carrying the girl towards her cot. 

  Gently laying her down onto the soft mattress, I grab a bottle of medicated oil from the nightstand and pour a generous amount onto my palm. Lifting the girl's shirt with my dry hand, I start to lather the skin of her belly with the liquid. 

  "What's your name?" I ask her, as an attempt to distract her from the pain. 

  "Song Jieun," she answers weakly. I notice that her lips have paled, and although her tears have stopped, she still appears to be in great displeasure.

  I pull her shirt down once I've finished applying the painkilling oil onto her stomach. My eyebrows have already pulled together so deeply to the extent that Yoongi feels the need to express his concern. 

  "Are you okay?" he looks at me weirdly, "The kids say I'm the scary one, but I'm not really sure at this point."

  I open my mouth to reply, but am cut off when a little boy runs towards us from the other side of the room, two sandwiches in his hands. Stopping at the edge of Jieun's bed, the boy extends his arms, offering both sandwiches to the girl. 

  "You can have mine too," he says simply, placing the sandwiches onto the pillow beside the girl's head. 

  "It's okay, Eunwoo," Jieun shakes her head slightly, her body starting to shiver. "I don't feel like eating now. 

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