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so i have this crush who confessed to me in june but we decided not to date yet and now apparently he doesn't like me anymore and i'm kinda hurt but meh

anyway here's an early update because i feel like it :>


July 18, 2018, 10 a.m.

"Goddamn, have you been working out?" Taehyung laughs, pulling Yoongi in for a bro hug. Yoongi's chuckle is a familiar deep rumble as he pats Taehyung on the back, like two old men who haven't seen each other in ten years.

"Fuck, you gained so much weight!" Yoongi teases his old friend, lowering his hands to give Taehyung's butt a firm squeeze.

"Shut up, man," Taehyung grins, squeezing Yoongi for one last time before releasing him.

I giggle at their brotherly love, and it seems that only then does Yoongi remember my presence. My ex-bodyguard turns to me, huge grin fading to a small wistful smile as he registers my face.

"Damn, you haven't changed, have you?" he laughs, before extending his arms for a hug.

I beam brightly while wrapping my arms around his waist somewhat awkwardly. My head still fits perfectly on his chest, and he still has that same old habit of resting his chin in the crook of my shoulder while returning the embrace.

Damn, I've missed him so much.

We stay there for a few seconds, before I finally release him, remembering that Taehyung's here too. Though my boyfriend is watching us with a grin, it's obvious he's worried that I would return to Yoongi now that he's back.

I take Taehyung's hand into mine and intertwine my fingers with his as a form of reassurance. He turns to me with widened eyes, as if not expecting me to do that, and I grin in reply, tipping my toes to leave a peck on his cheek.

"Oh wow," Yoongi laughs at my sudden display of affection towards Taehyung. "So you two are a thing now, huh?"

The both of us turn towards the black-haired boy with widened eyes, worried for his response. Unexpectedly, there isn't even a hint of jealousy on Yoongi's face; instead, his features have been pulled into a huge delighted grin.

"Take care of her, man," Yoongi pats Taehyung on the shoulder. "She can be a real burden sometimes."

"Believe me, I know," Taehyung makes a pitiful look, and I give his cheek a firm smack. "Ow!" he complains, and Yoongi laughs while I stick my tongue out at the both of them.

Just as I'm about to suggest for Yoongi to join us for breakfast, he suddenly glances at his watch, before looking up again to give us an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," he says, bidding his goodbye. "Maybe we can-"

"Yoongi-ah!" a woman suddenly calls from the doors of the cafe, and all three of us turn towards the origin of the voice.

The girl is clad in a white dress that hovers above her knees, the medium-length sleeves hanging slightly from her arms. Her dark brown hair sits on her shoulders while her bangs are tucked safely behind her ears. Her huge doe eyes form half-moons as she grins at Yoongi while heading towards him, hooking her arm through his the moment she stops beside him.

"I thought you were gonna go get the car," her voice is sweet, her gaze unwavering as she speaks to Yoongi. She can't be more than a few years older than me.

Yoongi turns to meet her gaze with a small smile, the look in his eyes matching that of a father tending to his child. "I was going to, but some creep suddenly bumped into me and made our registration papers fly all over the place."

"I'm not a creep!" I protest, and only then does the woman turn towards us, as if she only just noticed that Taehyung and I are here as well.

"Who are they?" she asks with wide eyes.

I shoot her a friendly grin. "I'm Jiyoung, but you can call me Ji," I extend my hand towards her, and she shakes it with a polite beam.

"I'm Taehyung," Taehyung introduces himself with a wide smile, but doesn't offer her a handshake like I did.

"They're my old friends," Yoongi tells the girl, before proceeding to introduce her to us. "Guys, this is Sejeong," he gestures towards her. "She's my fiancee."

"WHAT?!" Taehyung and I exclaim at the same time.

"Congratulations, dude!" Taehyung laughs, patting Yoongi on the shoulder.

"God bless you," I tease Sejeong, before proceeding to quote Yoongi, "he can be a real burden sometimes."

Yoongi reaches forward to nudge the side of my head, and I laugh in reply.

"Anyway, we're gonna go register our marriage now, then we have to be at the gynecologist's by noon, so we kinda have to go," Yoongi shoots us yet another apologetic look. "Let's go get lunch sometime, yeah?"

"Sure, bro," Taehyung pulls Yoongi in for one last hug, before nodding politely at Sejeong.

"Wait, 'gynecologist's'?" I fish out the key word with widened eyes.

At that, Yoongi flushes a little, hand flying to scratch his neck in shyness. "She's one month pregnant," he tells us, stealing a quick glance at Sejeong before turning back to us. "I'll tell y'all everything the next time I see you."

"Bye!" Sejeong exclaims with a beam, before allowing Yoongi to lead her towards the car park beside the cafe.

"Shotgun marriage," Taehyung concludes the moment the couple are out of earshot. "They're obviously only getting married because of the baby."

I smack his tummy with a cluck of my tongue. "Don't be rude. Sejeong obviously loves Yoongi a lot."

"I don't think Yoongi feels the same way though," Taehyung speculates.

"None of our business, anyways," I shrug. "Let's go get breakfast."

Taehyung hums his approval, and together, we start heading into the cozy air-conditioned coffee shop. The aroma of latte fills our nostrils the moment we enter the tiny outlet, and my stomach growls in desire at the scent of freshly-baked cheesecake.

"Damn, I want a baby too," Taehyung hints while leading me towards an empty booth. "It's ridiculous that that dude with the crazy hair gets a kid before me."

"Then go get a wife," I tell him as we settle onto the cushioned seats in the booth.

"Then marry me," he winks, and I roll my eyes.

"Ew, who would want to spend the rest of their lives with you?" I fake a look of disgust.

"It's not like anyone else would want you," he teases, and I kick him again with a glare. He laughs at my reaction. "You know I love you, Bloodass," he cups my cheeks and leans across the table to plant a firm kiss onto the tip of my nose.

"Stop calling me that!" I attempt to glower at him, but fail badly, a huge grin forming on my face. "Dammit, I hate you," I say with a wide beam.

Taehyung laughs, before raising his hand to order.

"One slice of salted caramel cheesecake and two spoons."


taeyoung or yoonyoung? heheheh :>

next chapter is the epilogue aka the final chapter before i end this book hohoho stay tuned!! :")

i'm sorry if this sucked because i'm in a super bad mood today :<

anyway thank y'all for supporting 'reef knot' till the end through all the twists and turns hohoho i love you guys xo

please continue supporting me and my works even after this book has been completed!!


p.s. do y'all have any personal questions or advice that y'all want to ask from me? :>

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