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There was somebody that walking to my room, a room where every new baby just borned.

But i felt that he was very suspicious. Why would anybody in this middle night came? I could saw that he was wearing a doctor's attire and he was holding a baby.

"I am sorry my dear daughter, i couldn't raise you by myself, but i promise, you would have everything in this world, be it wealth and happiness"

Ups...... i have very bad premonition about this and as i feared he lifted me and placed the other baby in my place.

I tried to resist but it was no used i was just a baby and then i tried to cried as loudest as possible. Soon he covered my mouth with his hand.

"I am sorry but it is the price that you must pay for being the daughter of that bastard, how could he fired me from my job just because i accidently poured some coffee to his shirt"

While i tried to free my mouth from his hand he brought me out from the hospital and went toward his car.

"Yeah just because of that he fired me, while my wife need money for her surgery, i tried searching loan everywhere, without job i couldn't borrow from the bank, without money the doctor won't process the surgery, i was so desperate enough until i borrowed money from loanshark. When the surgery was over only my child could be save while my wife...."

He was crying.......while was talking and driving..... jeezzz i knew your life was pitiful but you were gonna drag innocent baby just because of your revenge???😓😓😓😓😓

"She is dead because of the late surgery.... hahahha.... this life is so unfair toward the poor people..hik..hik..hikk... that's why i changed you with my daughter...with this my daughter would live a happy life"

He stopped the car and brought me out from the car. He walked toward a place that looked like a church????

"This place is place for orphan children. I place you here, whether you could get adopted by rich parent or become street children is up to your fate... while i would suicide to follow my wife.. yeah my wife musn't be lonely there"

With that he placed me in front of the big door while he walked toward the car and disappeared with the car toward the mist.

The big door opened by the old nun.

" why there is car sound in this middle night?"

She looked left and right but there was nobody when she wanted to close the door. She looked there was a baby on the floor.

"Oh another poor baby to be abandoned....sigh.....don't worry we would take care of you"

When the nun looked at the child which was blinking her blue eyes toward the the nun. The nun thought why would somebody abandoned a beautiful child like this. Well the nun guessed right this child would have a very beautiful face and feature resemble a goddess in her future couple with the mercenary soul. How could this child was still a normal love rival character in otome world.

Intentionally or unintentionally this child would mess with the effort of heroine to capture the target and mess with the heart of capturable target.

Author note: i write this story because of novelotaku support me to continue this story if not i would never thought to continue to write. Thanks for reading.

I Am A Love Rival Character On Modern Otome WorldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang