One: A Winter's Ball

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Theodosia stared up at the night sky, watching the stormy clouds swallow the moonlight and coat the sky. An icy wind made her wrap her grey cloak tighter around her shoulders, and she quickly walked inside the Schuyler Mansion for warmth. For once, she was allowed to go to a ball with her father, Aaron Burr. The only reason Theodosia was allowed to go was because she had just turned nineteen a few days ago. That, and the only thing Burr loved more than Theodosia was bragging about her.

Stepping into the lavishly decorated ballroom, Theo shook off her cloak, handing it to a nearby footman. She turned around, and found her father had already run off to speak to members of the cabinet. Sighing, Theodosia walked over to one of the nearby tables and sat down, examining the fabric on her dress.


Philip stood against the stair banister, pretending to listen to his father drone on about slaves and this year's 'worst president ever', which seemed to be just about every president that he didn't have a say in electing. Philip stared around the ballroom, taking in all the wealthy guests that walked through the door, mentally labeling each person. Political guest, rich neighbor, etc...

Philip's gaze slowly drifted to a girl sitting at one of the tables, staring down into her lap. She's beautiful... Philip thought to himself, admiring her features. The way her curly brown hair fell around her big green eyes, how freckles dotted her cheeks and nose. He just had to talk to her. 

Taking a breath, Philip ditched his dad and strode over to the tables, trying to think of something to say. Just say hello, no that's stupid. Ask her who she is, no, that's bad too. Philip ran his hand through his hair, sighing softly. Screw it, I'm just going to say hi, he thought, and nervously approached her. "Hi," he said, standing next to her. "Mind if I sit?" he nodded towards one of the chairs. The girl looked up, a sweet smile appearing on her face. "Sure," she shook her head yes, pulling the chair out.

"I- I couldn't help but notice you," he smiled, his cheeks turning red. "I'm Philip."

"I'm Theodosia," she said, her eyes sparkling. 

Philip glanced over his shoulder at the crowd swaying to the rhythm of an unfamiliar song, and turned back to Theodosia. "You want to dance?" He asked,

"I'd love to," she smiled gratefully, taking Philip's hand as they went towards the crowd of guests. 


Carefully placing his hands on Theodosia's waist, Philip smiled awkwardly as they went through the steps of a complicated slow dance. The only thing that could've wiped the dopey grin he had on his face was the fact that Aaron Burr was giving him the death glare. Philip looked at Burr, and looked back at Theodosia. Crap.

"Theodosia, this is kind of a strange question, but is your last name Burr?" Philip asked nervously, his eyes darting over his shoulder to Burr.

Theo nodded, looking at Philip. "Theodosia Burr. You're Philip Hamilton?" she asked, looking at the crowd around her. She still hadn't seen her father glaring at him.

"How'd you guess?" He laughed bitterly.

"You two look alike," she said, smiling slightly. Her smile quickly fell as she saw none other than Alexander Hamilton, angrily cutting through the crowd towards them.

Philip, who was so intently focused on Burr glaring at him, didn't see his dad approaching. He also wasn't paying attention to the dance, stepped on the hem of Theodora's dress, and sent them both tumbling down.

Everything happened so fast. Trying to regain his balance, Philip stepped on Theodosia's foot, pulling her down with him. In the brief moment before they both hit the floor, their heads collided, lips brushing against each other. Philip landed on top of Theo, her head hitting the marble floor. 


Everything went fuzzy for a moment when Philip crashed on top of Theodosia, her head spinning from the impact and the action. Blinding pain shot through her ankle, and Theo cringed as she attempted to stand up. A strong pair of hands helped her up the rest of the way, and she looked up to see they were Philip's.

"Theodosia, I am so sorry, I-" Philip apologized profusely, but was cut off quickly.

"Philip!" A sharp voice cut through the buzzing crowd.

It was none other than Aaron Burr

A/N: Here's the first chapter of And So They Move Uptown! Hope you liked it!

< Jella >

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