Chapter 3

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8AM. The time I'm dreading on weekdays. What teenager wouldn't dread school?? My phone rang. It was.... a friend. I answered and was talking to hi--errrr. Then my sister came in the room. Knowing her she had to comment and her comments were only rude when it came to me.

"Who are you on the phone with? Everyone knows you have no friends." Well that was grand. I hung up after a quick conversation with Ja-.

Wait one minute. Did this little hoodlum say I have no friends? Oh I'll show her no friends. I went to school about 30 minutes before school started.

Just about 45 minutes too early. I headed straight towards the gym, where the popular girls stand.

So some angels have powers. I'm a fallen angel, in other words, a bad one. I have powers that benefit the bad.

I can persuade people. Kinda like hypnotizing them. I can read peoples thoughts. It may sound creepy or genuinely nice but I'm here to tell you it's not. I read peoples thoughts and use them against said person.

I can also speed certain things up. Like in certain situations, time, but that's rare. I can also speed up weird things like pregnancy or other "natural" things. I can put anyone in a bad place.

Like that year when Jade and I were 13. I left for about a year and Jade got hit by a car. She was in the hospital for about 7 months. 5 1/2 of them, she was in a coma.

You may say "How dare you?" or "That's cruel". All I have to say is I was unwanted to those people who were supposed to love and cherish me. So I left. I caused havoc and chaos on their princess. I was doing what evil does.


I had finally made up my mind. I was going to leave. I would be wanted. Jay would be waiting for me at the sign when you first come into our little paradise.

They wouldn't know because they would all be asleep. I would escape once and for all. No one could stop me. Absolutely no one. I had other reasons, other than be the one they wanted to abort. Those don't matter though.

It was about 2 am when I took my pre-packed bag out from under my bed and slipped down the hall. It was hard to open the creaky front door without making noise so I went out the back.

When I got out front, I heard the creaky door open. My sister was standing there.

"Please don't leave me, Bri. Please don't", She pleaded. I couldn't tell if she was crying or she was nervous but her voice was definitely very shaky.

"I'm leaving and don't try to follow me! Tell mom and dad I left. I don't care just leave me be!" You could hear the venom laced in my voice.

"Bri please-" She was definitely crying. I didn't feel one ounce of sympathy.

"I'm leaving and that's the end of it! I'm done being the unwanted one! I'm done being the mishap! I'm done and I honestly could care less if you wanted me to stay!"

I was across the road headed to the sign. I heard her footsteps trailing behind me. Most people wouldn't be driving this late but apparently someone was. I sat and watched my twin sister get hit by a car.

I feel no remorse. I'm happy she got what has been headed her way this whole time. As soon as I knew she was down I left and went to meet Jay at the sign. We left that night and no one from that town saw me again until I was 14 going on 15.

~Flashback Over~

To this day, I wonder why. Why she wanted me to stay. Why she cared. Now she doesn't care about me or she just doesn't show it. The little I had of a family knew how selfish and malicious I was and still am.

Anyway I walked up to the most popular girl in school, Talia Roberts. I could instantly see the way her face distorted into disgust as she looked over me. All it took for her to become best friends with me is a couple bats of my eyes and me saying "Talia".

It wouldn't take long for everyone to hear about this. Talia had a innocent image. We talked for awhile and I found out, she isn't all that innocent. The townspeople think she's perfect.

Yeah, she gets good grades. Yeah, she stays to herself, for the most part. On the other hand, there's a lot they don't know. She gets in trouble with the law a lot. Her parents pay them off, to let her go and keep their mouths shut. Perks of being rich, huh?

I convinced Talia to walk into the hall and walk around. In the mornings before class starts, Jade stands by the entrance to the gym.

As we walked out of the gym, I glanced towards where Jade stands. As I met her eyes, I could see instantly that she was pissed. Her face was becoming red and she had her "angry" face on.

"So you wanna hang out after school?" Talia asked in a sweet voice.

"Yeah, sure. I have nothing better to do. Your place or mine? My place doesn't have anyone but annoying twin sister" I said with a smile, except that last part. You could hear the aggression in my voice.

"How about mine. The only people there are my parents and they don't care what we do." and with that she walked away.

I glanced over just to meet Jade staring angrily at me. She stomped over to me.

"How may I help you Jadie-Boo?" I asked innocently, knowing she was coming over to tell me how ridiculous she thinks I am.

"What the heck were you thinking?!? Just because I told you that you didn't have any friends this morning, you took it personally, and somehow got the most popular girl in school who is also the girl I dislike the most to become besties with you! You are absurd and intolerable!" she quickly said. You could tell she was mad, she was ranting.

"Yep. Oh and don't expect me home until late. I'm going over to Talia's to hang. Now if you'll excuse me Jade, I have to get to class" I said kindly while chuckling. Then I walked away. This I can tell is going to be interesting.


Okay, so I got stuck on one part in this chapter but got past it of course. Then I finished the chapter, uploaded it only to find out only half of it uploaded. So I was mad but re-wrote it. Thanks to those reading this story. It really means a lot! I love you guys :) Until next time -XXX Girlie Girl

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