~*~Chapter 10~*~

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Garroth's POV
"I need you two to save the others..." Lady Irene said

"Save them from what exactly?" I asked

"Save them from the darkness...the darkness that's roaming around the sea and taking lives and islands, countries, and scaring fish, destroying crops and food as it gets closer....until the world is consumed in darkness..." Y/n explained

"Well your a bookworm" Lady Irene said then the three of us laughed then stopped

"Well, here's how the darkness started...Lady Maia also known as Te Fiti goddess of nature, she's you, Lady Irene's cousin, when you created the world and fought for it...your cousin was with you, fighting by your side, that's all I know...the rest of the books was Burt except for the second one...but that's a story for an other time" Y/n explained

"Huh, you seem to know a lot about the world and the divines" Lady Irene said

"Garroth? You okay? You've been silent for a while..." Lady Irene said

"I'm fine, can you put us back into my room now?" I asked

"Sure" Lady Irene said then she teleported us back to my room only this time...Y/n's wound was gone and she was sitting on my bed putting her top back on

"Thank goodness your okay!" I said then I hugged her and we both fell on my bed laughing then got off

"Get under the bed" I said

"What?! Why?!" She complained

"It's clean don't worry!" I said

"Fiiiinnnnneeee!" She groaned and crawled under the bed and I opened the door and walked out and closed the door

"Hey guys..." I said trying to sound sad

"How is she doing...?" Travis said

"Not good..." I said

"But I can cover her wound...but she's close to death..." I said then got out a first aid kit

"Do your best bro..." Laurence said patting my back slowly

I opened the door and closed it

"Get out of there" I said and she crawled out

"Lay down..." I said and she did it

"This is where the wound was right?" I said pointing to the place where her heart is

"Yep!" She said and I chuckled at her childishness and took off her shirt

I got out a first aid and made it look like the wound was still there and I placed a gauze pad on where it is and wrapped bandages around it

I helped her put her shirt back on and then I whispered to her ear

"Make it look like your near your death..." I whispered to her ear

"Okay then" she said and made herself sound and look like she was close to death, she was breathing heavily, making her heartbeats slow, everything. I walked to the door and opened it and let them in

"She's not doing good..." Cadenza said

"You did your best Garroth..." Reese said (YES HE IS THERE!)

Y/n slightly opened her eye enough for me to see and I nodded giving her permission to do so

Y/n's POV
I slightly opened my eye enough for only Garroth to see and he nodded giving me permission to scare them

Then I smiled in my mind and got ready "three, two..., one" I thought then I quickly shot up and said

"BOO!" Me and Garroth were laughing like we were crazy after and everyone's faces read confused, mad, and shocked

Everyone went up to me and hugged me, well except for Aaron

(Me: No offense Aaron XD. Aaron: OH YOU ARE SO DEAD! Me: AHHHH!! *drops iPad and runs* Aaron: Guess I'm leaving this as a cliffhanger! Bali guys! Me: HEY THATS MY THING!)

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