~*~Chapter 5~*~

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Y/n's POV
I opened my eyes to be greeted by a bright light and voices, they were muffled for a short period of time but after a while I could hear, they didn't seem to notice I was awake so I pretended to sleep and listened into their conversation

"Doctor, is she fine? Is she open for visitors, some young man named Garroth Ro'Meave wants to see her" a female voice said "Well she is fine so I guess, just make it quick" a male voice said

Then I heard the door open then close and opened my eyes to hope no one was there but...I was wrong...instead when I opened my eyes I saw a boy with blonde hair but his eyes were covered since he was crying with his face on the bed and his arms over his eyes, then he removed his arms away from his face, pulled his face away, and I quickly shut my eyes pretending to sleep and heard I'm pull out a chair and opened my eyes slightly and saw he had red puffy eyes from crying so much, then I realized who to so called 'he' is, none other than Garroth Ro'Meave...then I quickly closed my eyes cause he was about to look at me and pulled his chair closer and I fall something soft on my forehead then go away, I then just realized he kissed my forehead and this one quote from what my mother told me 'if a boy cries over a girl...the boy must love her very much...' then I realized Garroth was crying over...m-me...no...Y/n no! Your heart will just get broken just like in highschool! You were betrayed, used, every negative emotion you could feel

Me and my best friend were dorm mates and she decided to throw a party for the last day of school and while I was playing on my phone, I was heartbroken...when I looked up I saw my best friend kissing...m-my cr-crush...It was then I stood up from the couch and ran outside away from my dorm and under the bleachers of the school and slid down the wall and cried...

After a while I started holding back tears but let out a few sniffles and Garroth heard them and went up to me and saw that I was on the verge of tears "He-Hey..." I said softly and weakly at him as he hugged me...not to tight tho then he let go

"HEY?! THATS ALL YOU SAY TO ME AFTER YOU CUT YOURSELF BECAUSE OF ME?!" Garroth whisper yelled as I turned so my back was facing him "Go away..." I said softly "ahem...what now?!" Garroth said "I said go away or I'm calling the nurses to take you out of here!" I said a little louder my thumb on a red button which called the nurses "No..." Garroth said "Fine then...your choice..." I said then pressed the button and whispered in the mic "get this man out of my sight..."

then I released the button "I never want to see your face again!" I looked at him then yelled it at him as my body started to glow white then red as he got pulled away from the nurses "Im so sorry miss was he-" the nurse was cut off by something then I realized it was my glow

"W-woah...miss...are you a...l/n?" She said "Y-yes..." I said as she opened an old ancient book and showed me some pages and it had pictures of...me? Me and my mother and father fighting? My best friend kissing my crush? Then I read the words out loud

"One day in highschool she was devastated, in the last day of her school year...her best friend and her crush kissed, she then realized there that she was betrayed, used, every negative emotion you could think she felt it, then she ran to the bleachers, and decided to just run awa and move to an apartment and then to a real house, then, one day, she once again realized that the guys she liked on that street, was that same young boy she liked ever since highschool, she then left after a while and moved with her sister Amy, then the whole street came to her sisters house, she had a small talk with her crush since highschool, then she ran to the bathroom and cut herself then got carried to the hospital and now here she lies..." I stop, the rest was blank...was someone...stalking me and writing about my life?

I put my hand on that page and closed the book to see the title "The Story of Y/n L/n... Author: G---- R-'M----" it can't be Garroth tho...but I know for sure its a Ro'Meave and their name starts with a G...then the rest is smudged off...

"Miss...do you know the names of everyone in the Ro'Meave family?" I asked the nurse

"Yes miss I do! Their names are Garroth, Vylad, Zane, Zianna, and Garte Ro'Meave" The nurse said

"Garte..." I mumbled

then I closed my eyes and the glow got brighter and brighter then all my cuts were healed and the flow was gone and I was now wearing a white shirt and black skirt and I felt fine. I then flung the covers off me slowly and told the nurse

"get me a mirror please..." then she rushed outside and came back with a mirror and I held it and looked at myself and saw I also had red blush and pink lipstick as well and I closed my eyes and what I saw broke me...It was Garroth...kissing Aphmau!!

It was only a vision...so I had to see it myself...I made time froze and only I was moving, I released the mirror and went to where my vision led me...Aphmau's living room...I ran for it...when I arrived I opened her door and saw it...it was true...I screamed and made myself invisible and made time moving once more...then I walked over to Garroth but he didn't react since I'm invisible...now for payback..kissing my BEST FRIEND?! This is NOT highschool! I'm not going to cry over them...I WILL GET PAYBACK! NO MatTeR WhaT iT TaKes!

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