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Ladybug landed on a roof with a loud thud.  Chat's head spun around to face her.

Lost in your mind
I wanna know

"Chat, why are you sitting here alone?" Ladybug asked.

Am I losing my mind?
Never let me go

"It's just so...  Lonely at home sometimes..." He responded.

If this night is not forever
At least we are together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone

"Oh?" She sat down beside him.

Anywhere, whenever
Apart, but still together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone

"Alone?" She looked at him.

"Yeah..." My house is really big and empty sometimes..."

I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone

"Especialy since it's my mom's birthday..."

Unconscious mind
I'm wide awake

"Why is it lonely on your mom's birthday..?"

Wanna feel one last time
Take my pain away

"She...  She dissapeared some time ago..."

If this night is not forever
At least we are together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone

"My father is too busy and selfish to even talk to me..."

Anywhere, whenever
Apart, but still together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone

"Chat...  I...  I'm sorry.  I didn't know."

I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone

He took a shaky breath.

I'm not alone, I'm not alone
I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone

"You're not lonely anymore.  I'll sit with you." She smiled Giving him a hug.

I'm not alone, I'm not alone
I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone

"T-thank you..." a blush spread accross his face.

Hellu!!!  Hope you enjoyed. 

They seriously have to open again soon...

Like, i've been waiting for weeks.  Weeks.  Fucking weeks...  sigh...

Have a good day or afternoon or night wherever in the world u r!  Stay beautiful!
~ Maren-Emilie

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