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I'm so sorry for not updating in AGES.  I have just felt uninspired.  I haven't really felt like writing because i kinda hated my writing for a while.  I just figured it would be best if i took a small break to see if i felt better about it afterwards.

Other things have also happened, making me not really think about writing.

My head started hurting a lot.  Every day, all day.  It wasn't pleasant at all.  After like 2 or 3 weeks(?) my dad took me to the doctor.  Turns out i can't see shit.  So now i have glasses.

I also got sent to the hospital because my blood % was really low.  It was at like 5 when it should have been at 12.  I was given blood and everything.  I got to go home the next day after a few tests.  Fast forwards a week or something.  My doctor at the hospital think i might have Chrons or Colitis.  A type of IBD which basically is an infection in my colon.  My imune system is attacking my body, kinda.  I guess.

I can never look at lemons the same way ever again.  So we find out that it's Colitis and I'm immediatly put in the hospital, again.  And i start getting medication and I'm there for around a  week.  My dad and i ended up watching all 4 seasons of Skam.

That was my easter. (: 

I'm okay now tho.  I go back every other month to get medicine AND i take pills every day.

Anyway.  I missed 1 year of writing. ),: 

I've had some time to sit on it.(My writing)  And i honestly just want to scrap all my unfinished books and re-write them.

I have been active on Tumblr and I've really enjoyed playing my legacy on the sims 4 to post on tumblr.

If you want to talk to me It's probably best to message me on tumblr.  My tumblr is maren-emilie if you want to know.

Again im sorry and i hope to be back with writing after this summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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