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There he was again, on his phone, playing games, or talking with friends, but never with me. I tried to grow patient with him, but I feel like he's ignoring me. I know he needs his space, and I respect that, but can he at least talk to me? I don't want to be another person that wants ALL  attention, I just need someone to talk to.

I try to talk to him, but then he just tells me that I want attention, or I'm to klingy.

This morning I've had enough.

"Jack, can you please listen to me?" I plead again.

"Sure thing, in a bit" he said scrolling through his phone.

"No Jack, now please"

"Why?" He said a little annoyed

"You don't talk to me, and I need to know what is going on with you..." I said a little louder.

"Why don't you just leave me alone?!" He started yelling.

"I have for the past month!!" I yelled

"Oh yeah!!! Sure!! You're always trying to get attention!!! Why don't you just leave?!?" He yelled.

I started tearing up at his last words. I looked at his eyes, seeing them full of hate.

He really doesn't love me...

"I just wanted to... talk to you" my voice cracked.

"Well, I don't want to!! I wish you would just leave my life!!!" He kept yelling.

"All...I wanted in life.... was to see you.... happy, and if I'm..... stopping you from that... happiness... then I will leave" I said softer with sniffles in every breath. Tears were rolling down my face.

Jacks angry eyes went soft after those words left my mouth.

"There is n- no point in this relationship... if we keep on treating each other like this" I cried.

I ran upstairs, hearing another pair of footsteps run after. When I got in my room, i slammed the door behind me, and locked it. Right in front of Jacks face.

"Please! Babe! I'm so Sorry! I- I didn't mean it! Please!" He pleaded, knocking the door.

"No, I understand. I'm not needed, there's no point in being in a relationship where you don't love each other..." I sobbed.

"No!! Please!! You can't leave me!!!" He yelled pounding the door.

I started packing my things, and  put on my shoes. I opened the door Jack was leaning against, nearly falling. I look at his eyes, they were red and puffy. The look on his face made me cry harder, but I kept walking.

I was going for the door, until Jack grabbed my wrist.

"Please!! I need you!! You can't leave me like this!!" He pleaded once again. I jerked my hand out of his grasp, and I walked to the living room, and Jack followed.

I didn't respond, instead I took out my phone, and texted my friend (f/n) if I could go to her house, and stay for the night.

"If you leave me, you'll make me miserable..." His voice then went soft.

"You already left me, Jack. I might be living here, but I was never with You." I said calmly, still sniffling.

"Can we please talk about this..?" He begged.

"That's strange... I tried to tell you that we should talk, and guess what you said?" I said a little louder.

His face was full of guilt, his eyes showering him with his own tears.

My phone rang, and I got a message from my friend saying it was alright if I slept over.

"I need to go" I said as I opened the door, and grabbed the car keys.

I got in the car and started it. I locked the car just in case Jack wanted to get in.

I drove off to my friend's house. I looked at the mirror that allowed me to see what's behind. Jack stood in the middle of the road, watching me leave...

He really doesn't love me...


Are y'all crying yet? Hahaha sorry, I really wanted to do something a little different.

There will be a part 2, I promise things Will go all sunshine and rainbow farts.

STAY DETERMINED!!! (Sorry, I watched marks undertale live stream last night...)

SEE YA!! 😋😎

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