The Green Haired Irish Boy

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*BEEP BEEP BE-* I turned off my alarm by lightly tapping it. I got up all groggy and got dressed. I got up and ate breakfast as my dad prepared his lunch.

"Good morning, ready for school?"
"And why's that?"
"Darla is going to be there"
"Oh dear, I thought she got expelled."
"It's kinda hard to get expelled when your father is the principal"
"Wow, well I need to get going don't wanna be late, am I right?"
"Ok, bye dad. Love you."
"Love you too"

My dad leaves and there was still 20 minutes before the bus came around the corner. I brush my teeth, and scroll though my phone.

It was time to head outside to the bus as it arrived. I walked in the bus and sat down on the ragged cushions pulling out my note book and doodling.

We passed by the other stops to pick up the other people when one boy got shoved in the bus. I gasped at the sound of his hands slam against the steps of the bus. He lifted his head causing his green hair to emerge from the door. His face was red of anger and embarrassment. I was going to help him, but then got shoved back to my seat nearly landing on the floor.

"Awwww. The little coward tries to save the Irishman." I looked up to see Darla. Her black straighten hair flowed to her shoulders, her brown eyes glared down at me. "Listen, let my boyfriend take care of the dude, and don't interfere." She snarled at me.

The green haired boy got back up, still being shoved, but enough to keep his balance. He looked down at me with his ocean blue eyes. I motioned him to sit next to me. I pulled out my notebook again and started doodling.

"J- Jack" he stuttered.
"My name is Jack" he stuck his hand out so I could shake it. I shook his hand feeling his cold fingers rap around my hand.

"(Y/N) nice to meet you, sorry about Darla, and Dustin. Their the School bullies."

The ride to school was silent until Jack spoke about your doodles.

"That's really good"
I blushed at his comment, and thanked him.
"So Jack, I noticed you have an accent. Are you Irish?" I asked trying no to gaze into his ocean blue eyes too long. You felt slight... things for him. I've never met him before, why am I feeling this way.
"Umm. Yeah, sorry if it's annoying." He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.
"No, no. I just.. find it... cute" I noticed what sliped out of your mouth and I emediatly regret it.

"I... I- ummmm." I looked down at my note book, then looked at jack who was blushing a bright red, trying not to smile (and failing).

The bus stoped at the school right on time.
Thank God.
I cleared my throat and quickly got out of the bus. Jack got out too, slightly behind.
You let a smile slip to your mouth as you entered the School thinking about the cute green haired Irish boy.


Please let me know if you would like a part 2 on 'The green haired Irish boy'!!
I had tons of fun writing this, and I hope you enjoyed it like I did!!!

SEE YA!! 😋😎

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