I... I dont understand...

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That was the question that would keep me up for years

Why would he ever choose me? What did I have that others didn't? In fact they had more than I could ever offer... but yet... he chose me...

"Why?" I said under my breath

"Hm?" Jack looked over at me with his eyebrows raised.
He was sitting on the couch with so black ripped skinny jeans, and surprisingly a pink shirt.

I looked over at jack, and smiled, completely wiping the thought from my head. "Why pink?" I giggled.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows, "what's wrong with pink?!?" He asked, clearly playfully offended that I asked such a question.

"You just never wear that color... and It makes ya look... you know... kinda... oh never mind..." I said, and kept scrolling through my phone.

"What? You can't do that!! What do I look like?!?!" Jack started to insist that I tell him.

"I'm not gonna tell you jack" I said as I kept scrolling.

"Whyyyyy????" Jack whined

"You'll get offended my little baby boo!" I said looking up, and squishing his cheeks. Jack pouted playfully.

"No I won't!! I promise!" He whined as he snaked his arms around my waist. I patted his fluffy greenish blue hair, and kissed his head.

"When you're older my little bean." I giggled.

"Older??? I'm older than YOU." He said raising his head to look at me, as well as his eyebrows.

"...sure! When you become a bean stalk you will understand." I said getting up.

"But I AM a bean stalk!!" He cried playfully.

I laughed and he did as well. I sat down on the stool resting my arms on the kitchen counter. I started scrolling on my phone once again.

"Babe?" He finally spoke

"Hm?" I said still looking at my phone.

"Look at me, beautiful." He said putting his finger underneath my chin, and making me look at his ocean eyes.

"What are you thinking?" He asked me, a sweet smile played on his lips.

" your eyes." I stated matter of factly, And giggled.

"No baby, what are you thinking everyday that you keep whispering to yourself?" He cupping my head in his hands.

" oh! Oh it just... daily thoughts! What to upload, which charity's to donate to, which game to play, and what-"

"Stop avoiding it." Jack interrupted.

"What? I- I'm not av-"

"Yes, yes you are. And you know how I know? Because everyday I see you daydream and have the same sad face. So tell me what you are thinking..." Jacks conserved voice was soothing, his face with worry.

"I'm... I'm just..." tears getting to the edge of my eyes, as they stung pain contact with my sleeve I whipped them away with.

"Tell me love." Jack said looking at me, now holding my hands.

"Why did you choose to be with me?," I asked, holding back tears, " there are literally girls that are way better than me in every way! They have a perfect face, a perfect body, the perfect smile, but yet, here you are, equating you life on me..."

"Why would you think that? I'd rather waist my life away with you than to be with those fake ass girls that only use me." I smiled down at me.

" I don't deserve you, I- I haven't done enough... to deserve you..." I said now choking back tears.

"My love, you deserve everything and more." He finally embraced me, whispering in my ear.

" I love you so much, never forget that." He hushed.

"I won't" I smiled into his chest, " by the way" I chuckled, my nose still red and puffy.

"That shirt makes you look like a ken doll..." I muttered enough for Jack to hear me.

I heard him laugh, " well I guess that makes you my Barbie." He chuckled.

" you cheesy bastard" I nudged him as I laughed.


I swear, people in my school are dumbasses. I literally had to ask the lady to get me off the bus, and all I told her was that my mom had an emergency, what would you do if kids were throwing knives in the air while they were near you. I got the fuck up outta there.

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