Chapter 3

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"Man, with skills like these, you'd make a great runner." Minho commented. "Agreed." Alby said.
"So, greenie, what'd ya say? Are you up for the challenge?"
"I'm ready." Percy said solemnly.
"You'll start training tomorrow. I'll lead on your first day, but after that, you're on your own. Not that that will much of a problem for you. Now, get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."
The next day Percy was woken up bright and early by Minho.
"Come on, sleepyhead." He said. "Let's go make you a runner."
After breakfast, Minho lead Percy to a toolshed, where he received running shoes, food, and water.
"Okay, all we have to do is run through the maze. At the end if the day, we go to the map room and recount what the maze is like to the map makers. Also, be careful for Grievers." Minho explained as they walked to the maze.
"What are Grievers?" Percy asked.
"Giant metal spiders." And with that, Minho ran into the maze.
"Wait!" Percy called, running behind him. "Are Grievers dangerous?"
"Yes, they're dangerous!" Minho exclaimed. "They sting you and if you don't get the cure in time, you die."
"You die!?" Percy asked, incredulous.
"Yes, shank, you die."
"Well, that's a bit harsh." Percy muttered.
"Yes, so my suggestion is to avoid them at all costs." Minho said.
"Agreed." Percy said. They ran for several more hours, stopping only to eat and drink when they were hungry. Just Percy was about to ask for a rest, Minho stopped suddenly.
"Shh, Do you hear that?" He asked.
"Hear what?" Percy said.
"A Griever." Minho responded.

Percy Jackson and the Battle of the MazeWhere stories live. Discover now