The monks last request

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"Itis as predicted,"

themonk said to his clan.

"Soonall will dead,

ForI have seen the plan.

Theuniverse is shrinking

Weshall perish in its plight.

Thereis no means of escaping ,

noway for us to take flight."

Hisperish could just stare,

ashe prophesied their doom,

ofhow the end was near,

andof their coming tomb.

"Isthere nothing we can do?"

Avillager did speak.

'I'mafraid that we are through."

Themonk said so meek.

"Willit be quick? will we feel pain?"

Thecrowd started to yell.

"knowingthis is not for the sane"

Themonk said as he fell.

"Theremust be a way out?"

Aman said with a sigh.

"Iwill not stand and pout,

nowthat I know we must die."

"Iknow what you suggest."

Themonk he did say.

"Thisis not a light request,

butsuicide could be the way."

Poems from the end of time and spaceWhere stories live. Discover now