Making our Stand

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TheLasers pound against the hull

Thefight rages deep in space

Weknow we cannot fall

Survivors,last of our race

Weanswer the final call

Wewere created to be a slave

bythe being we now fight

forfreedoms they never gave

sowe battle in endless night

Forwhat freedoms we can save

Torpedoessink into our bow

aswe turn for our attack

thecaption yells "strike now"

Asa volley is sent back

Wethink of what we vow

Strikessplashing on both sides

Hopingwe will remain

weready our own prides

Asthe strikes start to wane

Thefeelings of all abides

Therelast ship explodes

Aswe bask in our glory

Listeningto the codes

Thattell there final story

Theredeath gives us roads

Ourfreedom's price was gory.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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