Chapter 7

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A/N: Merry Christmas guys!🎄❄ This is my first Christmas with you guys! 😁

Well, I hope you like this chapter, I'm not really fond of what happened at the ending, but you be the judge and let me know what you think😉

Please enjoy? 😢

Lucy sat in her room in silence, speechless and doubtful about what had just taken place. The contradiction of unfamiliarity of occurrence had completely rendered the blonde scared and afraid as she sat in the silence of her home.

She had never had guessed that Erza had a gentle side to her, and would've never guessed that Erza had the ability to be gentle when she wanted to be, and it scared her. And the date that Erza had taken her on was unbelievably romantic and was a new experience that she had with Erza. And she quite enjoyed it.

A powerful S-Class wizard of her class, known for her brutality when angered and her popularity of her beauty and her attitude. One would've never exected her to be a gentle person that Lucy had only seen, and Lucy would be scared.

"Hey, Luigi!"

Lucy was interrupted from her reverie of her inner conflicts as Natsu barged in, along with his blue companion.

"Natsu! I told you to use the door!" Lucy shouted at the dragon slayer angrily.

Natsu only grinned as he rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, but I wanted to check up on you. And maybe we could go on a job later?"

"Aye!" Happy cut in.

Lucy sighed as she relaxed a little. "Just the three of us?"

"Sure! Would be better if that stripper or Erza didn't come along." Natsu grinned again.

Lucy sighed for a moment before smiling at Natsu. "Sure. I'll let you choose a job"

Natsu immediately beamed. "Awesome! Meet me at the station in 10 minutes. I'll go and find a job." Natsu then jumped out of Lucy's window and made his way to the guild, followed by Happy.

Once Lucy was alone, she packed up some necessities and made her way to the station.

Perhaps a little getaway would be a remedy to help clear Lucy's mind, and help her with her inner doubts of what had happened between her and Erza.


Erza sported a small smile as she sat in the guild, eating a cake that she enjoyed eating. But she would be even happier if Lucy was next to her. But she understood why Lucy wasn't at the guild, and she could only hope for the best.

The date that she had taken Lucy on was the night that Erza had loved the most. And she wanted to have many similar nights with Lucy.

Yes, some things hadn't gone exactly to plan. And yes, things may go south. But Erza wanted to keep an open mind, hoping that she could get what she wants. She could only hope.

"How's everything going with Lucy?"

Erza looked up from her cake to see Mira standing next to the table with a smile while holding a tray of empty beer mugs.

"I took her on date yesterday." Erza replied with a smile, which quickly turned into a frown. "She's still trying to find an answer for me. I feel like she's forcing it, or thinking too hard."

"Just be patient, and all good things will come to you. And I know how much of that is true for you."

Erza chuckled a little. "Perhaps. But I don't want Lucy to go out with me in pity."

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