Chapter 5

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A/N: Another chapter is up! Erza finally confesses!!!

Please enjoy? 😢

It would be an understatement if Lucy said that she still felt bad. Because the fever and the actions of her two teammates made things a lot worse.

Her throat became dry and it hurts to swallow. Her head trobs with every second as she lays down, and her whole body felt so sore to even move a limb from its original position.

And she didn't want to wake up from her sleep, and she wanted the sickness to go away as soon as possible.

However, much to her discontent, the blonde felt something poke her cheek, followed by a soft voice of familiarity. "Lucy."

Lucy let out a soft groan, swipping the hand away and turning around, her back against the person that Lucy refused to wake up to. She was too tired to open her eyes and see who it was.

"Lucy, it's noon. You need to take your medicines." The voice continued.

Lucy remained in her position, trying to fall back asleep.

The blonde heard a soft sigh from the person and receding footsteps that soon gave Lucy complete silence.

5 minutes later, Lucy was almost in deep slumber when she heard the footsteps again.

"Lucy. I drew a bath for you, and after the bath, you need to take the medicine." The voice was persistence, causing the sick mage to groan.

Reluctantly, Lucy opened her eyes, expecting to be in the infirmary. When the dizziness faded, she paid more attention to what was in front of her, realizing that she was not in the infirmary.

Well...that explains why the bed was so confortable, because the infirmary bed is not that confortable. The blonde frowned, thinking on where she was.

She turned and laid on her back, seeing an unfamiliar ceiling. Then she sees a figure to the side that she knew all too well.

Erza sat in a chair with arms crossed, with her eyes studying the blonde. "How you feeling?"

"...Where am I?" Lucy asked, not even answering the redhead's question.

"My place. The guild was closing, so I had to take you to my place, seeing that Natsu and Gray didn't respect your privacy at your own place." Erza responded.

Lucy then sat up with struggle retaining her. She faced the older mage with a frown. "Natsu said you refused to visit. Why?"

Erza silently gulped and looked to the side in embarrassment. "I had things to do."

"Ok...well thanks for bringing me here."

Erza turned back to face the blonde and gave her a gentle smile. "It was my pleasure. Anyway, I drew you a bath. It should help you with your fever."

"Thanks." Lucy complied, throwing the comforter off and stood to her feet. But she soon lost balance, and fortunately, Erza was there to catch her before the blonde could tumble to the ground.

"Let me carry you to the bath." Erza offered as she picked up Lucy bridal style and immediately made her way to her bathroom.

"I-I..." Lucy stuttered at the actions of the redhead, tintly embarrassed.

Once Erza entered the bathroom, she lowered the blonde on the toilet seat and looked at her in the eyes. "Do you need help taking off your clothes, or are you good?"

"I'm good. Thanks." Lucy immediately answered.

Erza smiled before walking out of the bathroom. "Call me if you need anything." She said before closing the door.

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