Chapter IX

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Noah's POV

The girl hung from the wall, right beside another. She looked only about eight years old, in a loose red silk ankle dress, yeah she was beat up very badly. She seemed to be asleep, but one of her eyes were black, both of her wrists were bloody around the cuffs, there was a giant gash running down her cheek, and scrapes up and down her bare arms. She was also barefoot. The other was probably my age, in a t-shirt and shorts, yet I couldn't exactly tell what color her clothes were. They were a dark color I knew, but that's all I could get out of it. Her hair was a little over her shoulders, and very stringy. Unlike the other girl, she was wearing tennis shoes. Yet they both seemed to be asleep, blood trickling from the side of the older ones mouth. Then I heard a high pitched voice.
  "Master will be ever so pleased with me!" It squeaked.
  "Us." Said a deeper voice.
  "Yes, yes, us. When their powers raise master he will be unstoppable! And we will be glorified, and get to destroy our own kind, maybe even our own parents!" The squeaky one cackled.
  "Be quiet Macalister!" Said the other. "These girl will be our servants, our slaves..."
  "Or I call dibs on killing them!"

I woke in a cold sweat. Malcolm was staring at me.
"You too?" He whispered.
"Me too what?"
"Dreams. About... Those girls."
"You guys get them too?" Came another whisper.
"Callie? I thought you were asleep." Malcolm said. Callie came closer to us, looking shaken and pale.
"So what does this mean?" Callie and I said together.
"I don't know." Malcolm whispered. "So when did you're nightmares start?"
"The night Kat went missing." Callie said.
"Mine started about that time too." Malcolm replied.
"Same." I whispered.
"It's Kat." Callie said. "It all makes sense! They started happening when she disappeared!"
"I don't know." Malcolm told her. "It could be anyone." I looked over the rocks. Dawn was approaching, and we had to keep moving.
"Come on." I said. "We need to go." They stood up, as did I, and started walking. Malcolm and Callie bickered on both sides of me while we walked. Yet I felt as though I heard something else.
"Would you two shut up?" I snapped at them. I heard something for sure. It sounded like metal, snapping against more metal.
  "Please tell me I'm not the only one that heard that." Callie moaned.
  "You're not." Malcolm said.
  "Well do either of you know what it is?" I asked.
  "Nope." They answered together. Suddenly, Callie fell to her knees. She then screamed.
"What's wrong with her?" Malcolm yelled at me. Quite suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in my forearm. I looked at it to notice there was a feather stuck out of a wound. I yanked it out, and observed it. There was a small needle, which had a little of my blood on it. The plume was fully bronze.
"Give me that." Malcolm told me. I handed it over, not taking my eyes off Callie.
  "The dart feathers. From the birds of Ares." Malcolm said. "The attack it groups. We need to get to shelter quick."
  "Then help me get her up." I told him. I flung her arm around my shoulder, as did Malcolm.
  "So," I said. "Why'd it only affect Callie? Why not me?"
  "I actually don't know." He said. "Let's stop here. The trees should cover us." We sat Callie down.
  "Do you think this stuff that Asomi gave us will help her?" I asked him. She was stirred slightly.
  "That's for wolf bites." He told me.
  "Really? I thought it was spit." I spat at him. He fooled his eyes, as he helped me find the feather. I was sunk in her shoulder, right before Malcolm yanked it out.
"What are you doing?!" I asked him.
"Pulling out the feather." He said simply.
"You should have waited." I told him.
"I think I knew what I was doing." He sneered.
"Your mom's brain failed you with that one." I snorted. "You should have pulled it slowly. There could still be bronze in her arm now. And it has to stay there. We can't dig it out." I started to apply the werewolf treatment on the wound. She immediately started to stir, until she finally opened her eyes.
  "Thanks Asomi." I muttered.
  "Huh? Wha-" Callie started to say.
  "Birds of Ares. We need to get moving. " I told her, helping her to her feet. She swayed a little, but stayed rooted to her spot.
  "Do you want-" I spluttered.
  "Nah. I'm fine." She said, waving my offer away.
  "Guys." Malcolm butt in. We spun around to look at him. "There's a city out there."
  "Great." I mumbled. "At least the gods can't meddle around with us here." Callie let out a little laugh, and We jogged to catch up with Malcolm.

Ok I know this is short. Sorry. It will get better. Ily!

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