Chapter II

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Callie's POV

  I followed Noah to the side of cabin six. He opened the window and climbed in, as did I. We tiptoed over to Malcolm's bottom bunk. He started to gently shake him.
"Malcolm." I whispered urgently. He didn't move.
"Malcolm!" Noah whispered, giving him a wet-willy. He sat straight up.
"Huh?" He said groggily, wiping his eyes. Noah shushed him.
"Gods, don't do that!" He whispered. "I thought you were the Hermes kids. Why are you two in here any way?"
"Kat's gone." I told him. "Lets go. The quest starts now."
"Fine." He said, getting out of bed. "Let me get dressed." He dug threw a drawer as Noah and I climbed back out the window.

  We stormed out of camp.
  "We're doomed!" Moaned Malcolm. "No supplies, No Kat, no boat, what are we going to do?"
  "We're going to Alaska of course!" Said Noah. "And your complaining isn't fueling us to get there." We stood in the rain, at 3:00 a.m., to hail a taxi. After fifteen minutes of standing and waiting, a rugged yellow car pulled up. We clambered into the back seat, Noah and Malcolm dripping wet.
"What are you kids doin' out this early in the mornin' at the start of a hurricane?" Asked the gruff voice of the driver.
  "We, uh, we just got back from a party." Malcolm lied.
  "Hurricane?" Noah whispered under his breath to me.
  "Dads angry." I said back, looking forward. Malcolm decided to join our conversation.
  "Apparently, so are all the other gods. Clouds have been everywhere, so you can't see the moon and sun, but they aren't shining, all the plants are withering, the sea is raging, it's storming like mad-"
  "Alright kids, we're going through the tunnel!" Shouted the driver. "How far am I doing you again?"
  "Canada." I said.
  "Woah, y'all have a long way to go!" He rumbled.
We ignored him and kept whispering, our heads making a triangle.
  "Any idea how about the quest? Malcolm your the smart kid–" Noah said, but was interrupted.
  "Yeah and only that. I don't know why I was chosen for this quest in the first place. I mean, look at me." He gestured at his scrawny body. He was thin, shorter than both me and Noah, and barely had any muscle, unlike us. Noah was somewhat buff, but hid most of his muscle, just like me. We were also scrawny, but not as much as Malcolm.
  "Malcolm, you're  just as strong as us, and smarter too, and–" I sputtered.
  "Just forget it, you know I'm not." He said, waving it away. His big grey eyes glistened with defeat. They didn't have the frightening war glint Annabeth's had, but the intelligent part was defiantly there. He seemed innocent. Not like a demigod, like Kat described mine once. She said they looked the had an older owner. A sad glint.  That I'd seen too much to only be twelve.
  "Malcolm, do you have any ideas about it?"
  "I guess. The prisoner in the rock. You know about Typhon right? He's prisoner under rock. I just can't remember what rock exactly. It has to be a mountain, but I don't know how!" He started to mutter to himself.
  "That's good info Malcolm." Noah said reassuringly. We broke apart and set back. Noah was rubbing his eyes, and Malcolm was still muttering madly to himself.
  "What will Percy think?" I blurted out.
  "And Will?" Noah whispered worriedly.
  "And Annabeth?" Malcolm joined in.
  "I think they'll make it through together. We need to try and Iris message them in the morning." Noah said. I started playing with the end of one of the two messy French braids in my hair. After a while, I lied my head on my shoulder. Malcolm was already back asleep, and Noah had his head against the window with his eyes closed.
  "Noah?" I whispered.
  "Huh?" He whispered, blinking fast until his eyes slowly opened.
  "How long have you known Kat?"
  "About five years. I was actually found when she was. I had ran away. We've been friends ever since."
  "Oh. Are you worried?"
  "Yeah. I've watched people go on quests and never show back at camp again. Except your brother."
  "Is that a bad thing?" I asked innocently.
  "No, no not at all. At least, not now."
  "Well, when I got to camp, I was really depressed because of my brother drowning. Then they announced there was a child of Poseidon, and I was furious. I thought he could have saved Braden." I assumed Braden was his older brother.
  "Oh. I'm sorry." I told him.
  "Nah, it's not your fault. Stupid River." He muttered.
  "My dad sometimes is a butt. He could have saved him." I shivered. It was really cold in the taxi.
  "Here." Noah said, handing me his camp sweatshirt (no he's not making a move on her I've wore my boy best friends sweatshirt that he offered before once) "Don't worry about it. Fate wills itself sometimes." I pulled the sweatshirt over myself. It was big on me, and long, but comfortable. I lied my head on my shoulder and dozed off.

  I was strung by my wrists in a very dark room. I could feel cuts up and downs my legs and arms, and a pounding in my head. I let out a scream. Someone, a very small, squeaky, disappointed voice from my right said.
  "It's no use. No ones coming to save us." There was a jerking at my wrists, and I fell to the floor. A large hand grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me across the room. They threw me in a hole, and when I hit the stone floor, I felt myself crumple into a heap.

  When I awoke, it was daylight.
  "Hey. We let you sleep. We're in Canada now." Noah said.
  "Here." Malcolm said, shoving a Wendy's bag at me. Inside I found chicken nuggets and fries, immediately taking out the nuggets and shoveling them down. I looked around Noah and out the window. We were in a humongous city.
"This is as far as I can take yeh!" The taxi driver said. "Don't worry abou' paying." He said.
"Thank goodness." Malcolm muttered.
"Why don't we need to pay you?"
"Cause I know who you are half- bloods. I'm one too kiddos. Ares."
"Poseidon." I said
"Aye, I've heard of yeh, Poseidon girl. You're all the rage to us older half bloods. And we just got over your brother!"
"Thanks?" I said.
"Live up to him kid. Live up."
"Alright. I will. Thanks for the ride, uh... What's your name again?"
"Harley." He said. Noah was now tapping his foot on his foot on the sidewalk.
"We better get going then Harley. Be careful." I said. We waved goodbye and strode into the city.
"Pretty big, isn't it?" Malcolm whispered in awe.
"Yeah." I told him. "Reminds me of home. Where are we exactly?"
"Toronto." Noah sighed.
"What's up?" Malcolm asked him.
"Huh? Oh, uh, nothing. Just tired."
"Alright." I said. "He was just checking."

Soon enough we reached the outskirts of the huge city. I looked around. The moon was peaking out from behind the clouds, causing a dreary mist. Noah elbowed me in the ribs.
  "Hey! Ouch, why–" He pointed up at the sky. There was an old looking tubed slide with a 'toilet bowl' (anybody else know what that is? Like, the big things they have at water parks?) at the end. It was smoking.
  "Does this mean?" I faded out. Noah replied.
  "Yep. We need to get in there."

Callie Jackson, The Redemption Where stories live. Discover now