(2) I love him but making my life a torment is his newest hobby

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(2) I love him but making my life a torment is his newest hobby


'Hey Jerkson,' I heard the familiar voice call the nickname that only one person was allowed to use 'you're not being a buddy, how can you not introduce such a hot girl to me?!' for a moment, I was stunned. He can't be talking about Fann since they met when she first came over but he can't possibly be talking about me, right? I've known him for 2 years!!

'Hey, you new here? I'm Norman, your friendly football team captain. What's your name?' I heard as I felt the tap on my shoulder.



'Awwwww, get your filthy hand off her, ass.' Fann said jokingly to Norman.

'What Fann? You jealous that I'm talkin to the new-er girl?' Norman said to her in reply as the rest of the guys who were following Norman started to laugh.

'Hey Norman, it's just me, you know. Jayne, remember?' I said as I turned around to face them. Instead of getting an answer from anybody, all I saw were people who looked like they just saw a ghost. Did I just ask something that stupid that everybody had to stare at me? Darn, now Norman is going to think that I'm an idiot.

'Hey Jayne, of course I remember you. Jerkson's kid sister right? See, I remember. '

OMG. Norman remembers me?! That would mean that he actually knows of my existence. OMG. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown now. Somebody tell me what to say or what to do, please. I was just about to open my mouth when I heard Augustine shout my name.

'JANEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! I have something huge to tell you!!' she literally shouted as she came running in my direction with her red hair flying all over the place. Well, this 'thing' that' she wants to tell me must be really huge judging from the fact that she is running to me, not bothered by the fact that her hair is not in place. Augustine, has been my best friend since my first day of school, when I first met her. She doesn't try to be the famous kid, which is why I like her so much. Even though she doesn't really bother about being THE kid, she is very particular about her hair. Her hair is basically the one and only thing that can instantly piss her off. 'You will be absolutely shocked to hear this but I really really need you to be able to accept this because you're my bestest best friend and I love you and... ' she said, pulling me aside

'ok, ok. AUG! RE-LAX! I can tell its big news and I will try my best to accept it-' I noticed a certain change in the way she's looking at me '-I mean I will accept it because I love you too.' And for once in the past fifteen seconds, I noticed that Augustine slightly relaxed. 'OKAY. SPILL IT. What is SO big that it has made you run to me with no regards as to how your hair is?!'

'Oh yea... my hair... I TOTALLY forgot about it. But that's not the point. The main point is that-' she looked around, pulled me to a corner away from everybody before she continue her sentence in a whisper '-Ryan and I are together.'

To say that I am absolutely shocked to hear that would be an understatement. 'Best-friend-who-told-me-nothing SAY WHAT?!' I was more than shocked; it felt like the gravity just got switched off. The whole world is upside-down. First Norman is talking to me and second, my best friend tells me, out of the blue, that she's with the guy who she has never told me about.

'I know, I know this is sudden but the flirting only started a few weeks back and he asked me to be his girlfriend last week. Besides, you're the first person to know about this.'

'It's not about being the first to know! It's the fact that you never did tell me anything about this Randy guy!'

'It's Ryan.'

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