10: Explanations

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I've been stuck in a room for three hours... I'm thoroughly surprised I'm not insane yet, but they left me donuts. So i'm happy.

I mean, yeah I'm not normal; yeah I'm cooler than all of the soldiers at base.

Not to mention no freewill apparently because I'm pretty sure this is kidnapping.

I come to visit and they treat me like a prisoner because I'm different to them. And I can't exactly say, 'You can't do this to me! I'm the blood of the dragon!' Because I'll be thrown into a mental asylum.

You gotta love society.

Oooh, let's not forget my giant scary reptilian children that have lots of sharp pointy teeth, claws and breathe fire, no just keep the poor teenage girl in captivity like a feral animal.

My dad and Epps aren't allowed to talk to me, the autobots probably think I've gone home already, and not to mention it smells like a grave yard in here.

A grey box, with two chairs. A small table and a door that looks like the door to a dungeon but metal.

Whoop de fucking doo.

So how are you doing?

But then, all of a sudden an amazing thing happened.

A pirate wearing an eye patch and a trench coat walked in.

And said 'let there be light'

I'm kidding about the last part but the first part was not a lie.

"My name is Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D, and I've been informed of your ...little incident" he started, his arms behind his back as he stared coldly at me.

"It wasn't necessarily little and was not. I repeat not my fault"

"I want to know everything. From how you weren't burnt to any possible abilities you may possess" he stated simply

"Well, my name's Rhaella; nice to meet you. My adopted father is William Lennox, and I've been staying with him for about seven years. My mother and father are both dead, so are my two elder brothers. My older sister went missing and I haven't seen them since. My appearance is all natural, eyes included. I have three pets. Illusion Zephyr and Asteria, reptilian. Erm... I have no idea why I'm here and I would love to be released" I added the last part with an innocent smile and he gave me a - If it was even possible- an even more dead pan look than he already was.

And I thought the Khal was bad.

"And what about the fire? How did you come out of the fire unscathed?" He questioned.

"I'm a walking, talking fire proof person. I'm just too hot for it" I replied with a grin, and he just sighed.

"No other powers then?"

"I wouldn't call it a power... more like a blessing" I commented absent mindedly as I thought back to the time when I hatched my dragons. Born in the flame.

"I thank you for your time, in the mean time however Agent Barton will be accompanying you to your household to keep an eye on you" he stated with that 'you have no choice in the matter' tone and look, to which I have a shrug to.

"So is he scared of reptiles?"

Rhaella Targaryen  (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now