Chapter 1

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I ran the brush through my hair again, but it still didn't look right. I sighed in frustration.

"You'll never get to the party if you spend all night fussing with your hair, Mistress Jewel," said the servant behind me.

"Shut up and fix my dress, Wilma. I did not ask for your input."

"Of course, Mistress. I am sorry." She set the whale bone in the bodice and tugged on the laces. I cringed.

I stood before the mirror, admiring how I looked in the long dress of purple velvet. "And remember, not a word of this to my parents."

"Of course, Mistress. I will not speak of it to anyone."

I turned to the window when I heard a sound like hail hitting against it. I looked out to see my friends standing in the street throwing pebbles against the glass. I opened the window, climbed out, and dropped down into the arms of one of the boys. Then we set off for the party.


The house was an enormous mansion built from tan bricks. It made my home seem like a country cottage in comparison. It was three stories high, with beds full of flowers and hanging vines running along the entire side on each story, and two square chimneys. Tall columns supporting the front of the barrel-tile roof were set on either side of the doors.

The atrium we entered into rose to the top of the building where the ceiling was open to the stars. The second and third floors were supported by rows of white carved columns, with arches, railings, and potted palm plants set between them on the second floor. The floor was white marble with a copper birdbath fountain in the middle. All around the house hundreds of people were dancing, eating, drinking, socializing, and generally having a good time. It was all so overwhelming. I never imagined I would be a part of anything like this.

The dining room ceiling was decorated with gold-leaf appliqués and canvas panels that accented the crystal chandeliers hanging from it. people were seated along a long cherry table with gold scrollwork set into the sides that was set with a vast array of different dishes. Sarah and I sat where we could watch the dancing through the open windows into the atrium. I sampled fish, baked apples, and a few cheeses. Then another course came and I tried bits of pudding, lemon cakes, and cranberries.

While I ate I listened in on some of the latest gossip people were sharing over their food. I heard about how so-and-so would be a great match if anyone could afford her dowry, the latest style in tulle ruffs, and who might host the next ball.


My father was waiting at the back door when we finally returned.

"Thank you, Sarah," he said. "I will have someone escort you home."

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