Chapter 3

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"I have a surprise for you today, Jewel. We're heading across town," my father said. That was intriguing.

As I walked with my parents I imagined all the things that the surprise could be. Perhaps a new dress or jewelry. Though the timing did seem peculiar. It was not my birthday or any holiday I could think of, and I thought my parents were still mad at me.

I was brought out of my thoughts when we stopped in front of the church.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Your mother and I have tried to raise you properly," said my father. "Perhaps we are partially at fault for treating you too well, but regardless, you have gone astray. You are sixteen years old, but you are still a child, concerned only with your own desires. You will not be a woman until you learn to care about others."

"What are you getting at, Father?"

"Your mother and I have decided to place you in the convent here to instil values into you."

"Don't worry," said my mother. "It is only for a short while, and it will be good for you. You might even grow to like it here. We are doing this because we love you. Please give it a chance."

But I was furious. "No!" I screamed. "I won't!" All I could think about was getting away from there. I tried running off, but my father held me by the wrist. I screamed and thrashed without getting anywhere.

"Mistress and sir Hightower. It is a pleasure to see you, as always," said a calm voice. I turned to see the father standing there. He was short, with short dark hair and skin the color of molasses. His voice was full of warmth and his eyes shone. He appeared unfazed by my hysterics, as if he witnessed that sort of thing on a regular basis. Maybe he did. My face felt hot. He smiled at me. "Jewel, I remember you. I am sure you will make a fine sister and make your parents proud." I doubted that, but I could not bring myself to say anything rude to him. "Now come inside."

I stood still. "You can walk in voluntarily or I can drag you kicking and screaming. Which do you choose?" said my father.

I reluctantly followed the father inside.


Inside, the father showed me to a small room. "I imagine you wish to pout for some time. You may do so here. I will return after you have finished."

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner?" I asked.

The father shrugged. "I meant no offense. I was simply making an observation based on experience."

Why was he always so calm? He should have yelled back, slapped me, cowered, or anything. It was maddening.

I wanted to be alone. I stormed into the room, slamming the door behind me. I sat on the floor with my knees to my chest. I hated my life. I was likely never going to another party. I wouldn't be seeing my friends again for a long time, if they had not already forgotten me by the time I got out. I would be behind on the latest fashions. Maybe I could get by switching a few sleeves, but it was unlikely. I would be lost when it came to gossip, too. I would have to wear one of those dreadful habits. I would have to do work. There would be no cute boys to flirt with. I knew I was going to be miserable for the entire length of my stay.

The father returned later. "All finished?" he asked.

I wanted to still be mad, but I had worn myself out with all my fuming. Now I felt more weary than anything else. "I suppose. When is supper?"

"After you finish your chores, of course," he said.

"Labor is beneath me. I will do no such thing."

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