The Crash

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The captain made some adjustments to their flight path right then and there. They were supposed to slingshot around the nearest planet to conserve fuel.
"This is your captain speaking. We are breaking atmosphere in T- 5 4 3 2 1. What the- ahhhhh." Kaboom. There was screaming in every room. As the ship started to tilt the people ran out into the hallway shouting "What is going on." or why is this ship falling." People saw a boy named Arslan running to the front of the ship. Then they heard a whining. Boom. The ship was hit again and started plummeting down to the watery surface while breaking up. Pieces of the ship flying off. "No Dora." Shouted Peter as he ran after his sister and was sucked out of the ship alongside her.
The fall seemed to take forever and the world began to slow as Jonathan looked around and saw his friends and people he had grown up with plummeting to their deaths. Then time shot forward the ship hit the surface and he was tossed down the hallway. As he hit it he went up three feet before falling back down and everything going black.
He awoke soaking wet. The ship was barely full of water and people were scrambling out to dry land. The ship had crashed in shallow water and could be salvaged but all Jonathan could think of was why his shirt was so wet. He was not in the water. Then he looked down and saw his shirt soaked with blood then he passed out again.

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