The Fight

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It was just the third day and people were already showings signs of frustration people getting in small fights and then not talking for hours then needing help. Without fire people were even more mad sleeping in cold tents and spending time eating raw food. The loss of food and supplies left people sad and lazy. They were used to being pampered and were threatening to attack others. The only people doing interesting things were Jonathan and Alex and a handful of others. Disappearing into the woods for hours a day only coming back at meal and sleep hours. "What do you do in the woods." Mia questioned Jack as he came back from the woods one night. "Once you can walk again you can come see." Jack promised her. "Alright." She responded sadly.
Then exactly one week after they got stuck  things got out of hand. "Put down the gun." Gavin shouted. "Put it down." Natalia responded. "No. Give me good food then I will." A group gathered at this and saw Natalia threatening to shoot the cook Tiago. Then out of the forest came the group of people saw the commotion and ran to the seen. Then someone dove. Click click. Tiago fell to the ground and was rushed to the medical tent.
He was dead the shot was set to stun but it had accidentally been switched when she fell. This left people even more discouraged than before. She made a point that she was going to burry him by herself. Two days later she was done. The people were left with the second cook running a big group and running low on food.

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